
The Last Samurai! (2003 Film)

 This was such a beautifully made movie and honestly is one of the major reasons as to why I love the country of Japan. The Last Samurai! The Last Samurai came out in 2003 which makes me feel old lol. But at the same time it doesn't feel like it has been that long ago and it still holds up today. The film stars Tom Cruise and Ken Watanabe as Nathan Algren and Lord Moritsugu Katsumoto. The movie follows Algen who has become an alcoholic due to being traumatized by the atrocities from the American Indian Wars. But is soon asked by Colonial Bagley to help a newly created Imperial Japanese Army who are trying to suppress the Samurai rebellion. Although Algren hates Bagley, he is in need of cash and so takes the offer and moves out to Japan. However things quickly turn ugly for Nathan as he soon realizes that the soldiers are not ready and are quickly defeated by Katsumoto and his men. They then capture Algren and take him to their village where he soon begins to have sympathy towards t...

Red Hood (Comic Book Character)

 In my humble opinion, one of the most underrated comic book characters of all time is Jason Todd. Better known as the Red Hood. Jason Todd made his debut into comics back in March of 1983 as Robin during Batman #635. Todd was a replacement to the original Robin (Dick Grayson) who had moved on and became Nightwing.  Todd became the new Robin after Batman discovered him trying to steal the tires off of the Batmoblie.  Now, I know that I just said that Jason Todd was an underrated character, but when he first debut, he wasn't exactly popular among the fans as Jason was known for being aggressive and reckless. Basically he was the total opposite of Dick Grayson. It got so bad that during the storyline "A Death In The Family" fans voted on a telephone poll that Jason would die at the hands of the Joker. We wouldn't see Jason again until 2005 during the "Under The Red Hood" story arc. In this story a mysterious figure named the Red Hood began tearing up the stree...

The Playstation 2

 Hard to believe sometimes but this amazing system came out 25 years ago and it certainly was a big part of my childhood. The Playstation 2 arrived on shelves on March 4, 2000, it was a sixth generation console that competed against other systems like the Nintendo Game Cube, the Sega Dreamcast and the original Xbox. I remember watching the hype and eventually launch of the PS2 on Gamespot TV. Man did it have a lot of hype on it especially since the original Playstation was so successful and boy did it live up to the hype. The lifespan of the PS2 went from March 2000 to January 2013 and sold over 160 million units Worldwide. 😮 One of the things I loved about the PS2 was the simple fact that it's backwards compatibility. You didn't have to get rid of your favorite PS1 games, so if you wanted to, you could just put in a classic and enjoy it while getting to play the newer PS2 games. Of course, much like the older systems, the PS2 had things called a Memory Card, which those could...

You Only Live Twice! A James Bond Film

 Recently I went back to watching James Bond movies and the choice of the night, You Only Live Twice. This 1967 spy thriller is the fifth of the James Bond movie franchise that was created by Eon Productions and stars once again the late, great Sean Connery as the 007 agent himself. The movie was based off of an Ian Fleming book of the same name. In fact, this book was the eleventh novel and twelve book in the James Bond series and it came out in March of 1964. Sadly, this would be the last book ever written by Fleming as he would pass away in August of the same year (REST IN PEACE🙏🙏🙏 Fleming!) The film follows James Bond as he is assigned to the land of the rising sun after American and Russian astronauts go missing with each nation blaming each other amidst the Cold War.  So Bond goes to Japan where he meets up with Tanaka and Aki where they discovered that the hijackings are caused by the archrival of Bond Ernst Stavro Blofeld and his organization SPECTRE. Bond along wit...

Bullseye (Comic Book Character)

 One of the best villains in the Daredevil series and arguably the greatest villain that Daredevil has ever faced. Bullseye! The character was created by writer Marv Wolfman and artist John Romita Sr (RIP). Bullseye made his debut in March of 1976 in Daredevil issue #131 and has become one of the best and most dangerous opponents that Daredevil has ever come face to face with. In fact, Bullseye also has dealings with The Punisher as well. Though he has no super powers to speak of, that doesn't make him any less dangerous. Bullseye is an expert marksman who can use anything as a lethal projectile. Whether it is shuriken, a sai or just a simple playing card, Bullseye could end your life in a matter of seconds. Although he uses the name Benjamin Poindexter in the comic books as well the Daredevil series on Netflix as well as the up coming Born Again series. The truth of the matter is, no one really knows the true origin or real name of Bullseye. He is a complete unknown and even when ...

The Wacky Adventures Of Josh And Chad: Clifton 5 Theater/Heart Eyes Film

 Well, Chad and myself decided to take another trip down to Huntingdon where we made our return to the Clifton 5 theater to watch the Heart Eyes movie which stars Olivia Holt and Mason Gooding. This was a movie that Chad had been wanting to see for a while now but we never really had a chance to see it until now. Needless to say, my twin was more excited about seeing this movie than I was, the trailer didn't really grab my attention, but Chadman wanted to go so I figured, at least give it a shot. When we arrived to our seats with a drink and a snack, we realized that our theater room was totally empty which at first, we thought it was pretty cool to have the room to ourselves, but another part of me was like, man remember when going to the movies was a thing? I wish more people would go out more, I mean I get why people don't anymore, but I guess I just wish things were like how they use to be. Anyway, back to the movie however as Heart Eyes is a horror romantic comedy where co...

Darkwatch (Video Game)

 Can't believe that this amazing video game is 25 years old. And it still looks incredible even in today's graphic standards. I am talking about the gothic western classic, Darkwatch. Darkwatch burst onto the scene in 2005 for the Playstation 2 as well as the Xbox and was developed by High Noon Studios. This game is a mix between horror, western and steampunk. The story follows Jericho Cross, an outlaw gunfighter in the late 19th century American Frontier who was turned into a vampire and was forced to joining an elite group of monster hunters who set out to fight the supernatural forces. AKA Darkwatch. Cross who is voiced by Christopher Corey Smith attempts to rob a train only to discover that he had mistakenly released the vampire lord and former leader of Darkwatch Lazarus Malkoth. There he becomes a vampire himself thanks to Lazarus and soon begins his quest to save himself and to become human again. Joining Cross on his quest are Cassidy Sharp voiced by Jennifer Hale, Tala...

Dead Or Alive (2006 Film)

 Last night I was a little bit bored and was flipping through Youtube and I sound that there was a full movie of Dead or Alive, so for the heck of it, I decided to watch. I mean, this wasn't the first time I had seen the movie but it had been a while since so I figured why not rewatch it and see if I think any different about it. The film was based off a fighting video game of the same name and was created by a company called Techmo. Which I really loved playing growing up as a kid.  Unfortunately, this movie didn't really do too well. In fact, it was a box-office bomb. DOA had a movie budget of 30 million dollars, only had achieved 7.7 million dollars at the box office. Yikes! 😱 As I watched the movie last night, I could see why the movie struggled. Don't get me wrong, this was more of a guilty pleasure kind of movie and to be fair video game movies historically don't have a great track record. I appreciate the fact that they tried to follow the plot of the gaming ser...

Nightwing (Comic Book Character)

 Now it is no secret that I enjoy reading some comic books and recently written a few blog posts about Daredevil, Punisher and even the Hand. But in today's blog post I wanted to talk about another character that I really enjoy and his name is Nightwing. For those who are familiar with comic books, Nightwing originally went by another name, Robin. In fact, he was the original Robin also known as Dick Grayson. Grayson was once part of the Flying Graysons who were murdered due to a pair of gangsters who were trying to exhort money from the circus owner but the owner ultimately refused which led to them sabotaging and killing Grayson's parents. But then Dick Grayson would be reborn as he was then adopted by Bruce Wayne, better known as Batman and become his sidekick Robin. According to creators Bob Kane and Bill Finger, they wanted to create a character that would bring in younger readers to like Batman. The character was inspired believe it or not by Robin Hood. As time went by h...

2009 Lewistown Panthers Baseball

 Well, with me trying to become more positive about myself, I have been looking back into the past and find ways to let go of some of the negative emotions attached to it. One such issue was going back to my time at Lewistown Area High School which as mentioned before was a huge struggle for me.  But again, trying to be more positive, I wanted to look back at that time and remember some of the good moments during that period. One of which was playing for the Lewistown Panthers baseball team. Heading into my senior year of high school, I wasn't in the best state of mind. Honestly, I really did not want to be there anymore, I was just so sick of life, never thought I was going to be anything. All I ever was going to be was a huge disappointment. I can only give credit to God for being able to get through that year. But then baseball tryouts came along and I decided to go for it again. The previous years I've tried only to fail, which in fairness, wasn't much of a surprise bec...

The Hand (Comic Book Villains)

 With Daredevil being one of favorite comic book characters, I wanted to talk about one of my favorite villains from the series. The Hand! The Hand is an order of evil, mystical ninja who are heavily involved within organized crime. Members of the Hand also practice occult magic and use their powers to commit murder and turn their victims into servants of the Hand. The Hand made their debut in Daredevil #174 in September of 1981. The group was formed in 1588 in Japan as a secret society of Nationalist Samurai but were soon co-opted by the Snakeroot, an ancient ninja clan led by a primordial demon called the Beast of the Hand. Kagenobu Yoshioka created the Hand due to his distaste for the government who he saw as corrupt thanks to foreign influence decided to train samurai to help bring power back to the people of Japan. Name comes from the fact that the hand has five fingers, members of the inner circle had command of the five islands of Japan. Sadly, Yoshioka would soon lose contr...

The 2005 Lewistown Panthers Football Team!

 I recently completed reading my story for Hometown Sports Magazine about the 2005 Lewistown Panthers football team who finally ended a thirty years of losing seasons. In this blog, I wanted to talk about why I wanted to write about this team and how I feel the lessons that were learned about them throughout the year can still be used today.  One of the biggest reasons as to why I wanted to write about this team was because of how much of team these guys were both on and off the field. These guys have played the game of football together for a number of years and it clearly showed. Plus being a youngster, I really didn't know the history of Lewistown Panthers football. I only remember going to games because I remember my cousins playing on the team. But talking about the football team in general, to put it nicely, there wasn't a lot of success. In fact when I started this journey of writing this story, I discovered that Lewistown didn't have a winning season for thirty year...

The Wacky Adventures Of Josh And Chad: Home Alone!

 This past weekend was quite interesting for me and my twin brother Chad. As we got to stay the whole weekend by ourselves and took care of the house while our parents went up to Long Island New York to see our little nephew Lukey for his fifth birthday. Now my nephew's birthday isn't till this coming Wednesday but my parents wanted to spend time with him before hand. Chad and I didn't go because I was originally planning to cover a pro wrestling event for Hometown Sports scene. Sadly, it was not meant to be as they were forced to postpone their show due to the weather. But nonetheless, Chad and I had plenty of fun! It is not too offer that we get to do some of the things that we love to do. And we just decided to live it up! I got plenty of writing done, watched some video game shows on Youtube, Anime, jam to some amazing music,  got to relax and mediate, prayed, took care of some comic books and we even went out to eat at Asian Fusion. So yeah, Chad and I know how to part...

Learning To Love Myself

 With Valentine's Day closing in, I figure I would want to talk about the subject of love. More specifically self-love. I want to talk about this because of my life long battle with depression. You see, I am trying my best to become less hateful towards myself which has not been easy for me to say the least. Trying to say or think positive thoughts about myself isn't always the best moments in my life. Honestly, I wouldn't really know what to say. Even when I do try to say something positive about myself, I just remind myself about things like my cerebral palsy and/or my scoliosis and I go right back into insulting myself or worse. But now, I have been really pushing myself to become more positive. Despite my dark thoughts, I don't want to live in fear of myself and I don't want to live with regret not trying.  Thanks to this blog, I really have been able to look back at some of my darkest times in my life and still manage to somehow crack a little smile on my face....

Sin City (2005 Film)

The more I look back on some of these reviews of old school, games, movies, etc, the older I feel 😂. Today's topic will be no different as I look back on one of my favorite movies, especially since it is based on a comic series by one of my favorite writers. The movie is Sin City. The film is based off the comic series of the same name and was created by the great Frank Miller. Along with Miller, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino lend their talents to the film as well and honestly, the trio did a fantastic job with the movie. I love the fact that Miller had gotten a chance to director this movie, I mean it is only right because it is his book series. This was the very first time I had heard of the Sin City Franchise as I was barely alive when the comic book first started. Needless to say I started looking the series up and it never disappointed. The movie features the first, third and fourth books of the comic book series. The Hard Goodbye, The Big Fat Kill and That Yellow Ba...

One On One Interview With Mark Bittle Of The Bartender's Jukebox

 Hello everyone! One today's blog post, I got to sit down with Mark Bittle who is a host of the the Bartender's Jukebox podcast where we got to talk about Men's Mental Health. Get to know Bittle as he tries to suplex the stigma surrounding Men's Mental Health. I would personally like to thank Mark for taking the time to answer my questions. Hope you all enjoy our interview. JY: What inspired you to create this podcast? MB: I had a radio show and the pandemic prevented me from going to the station. I figured why not give podcasting a shot. JY: Why did you choose to talk about men's mental health? MB: It's a very important topic, that rarely is talked about. I figured why not help break the stigma of Mens Mental Health. JY: What has the response been since starting the podcast?  MB: Amazing! I've had men from all walks of life reach out. And have had a major impact. JY: What have you enjoyed the most about doing this podcast?  MB: Honestly freedom, less restri...

The Wacky Adventures Of Josh And Chad: Super Bowl Party

 Well it is official, the Philadelphia Eagles are the Super Bowl champions! It was pretty much a blow out the whole game. But again, the Eagles came out on top over the Kansas City Chiefs by the final score of 40-22 this past Sunday night. But I would also like to thank my friend Stephon and his family for allowing me and Chad to come down to their house and watch some football. This was kind of a unique thing for me and Chad because we never really been to a Super Bowl party before and it was quite an experience. First off, I would like to say thank you to Stephon and his family for allowing Chad and to come over and enjoyed the game. Plenty of pizza, french fries and chips. It was fun for me to watch the game because it didn't really matter who won the Super Bowl because I didn't have a favorite team, but I must say, I really did enjoy watching Stephon, his dad and our friend Presto, all of which are die-hard Eagles fan react to the game. I must say though I wasn't expect...

I Miss G4!

 You talk about things that left a lasting impression on your life, G4 certainly did for a young me during my teenage years. What sucks about it was it not only died, it came back only to fall flat on its face again which looking back on it, I can't really that I was surprised by it. But lets talk about the real G4 and how it was so amazing and honestly wish it was still here. Before we get there though, why don't we take a few steps back and quickly discuss before being G4. You see, when I first starting watching stuff on video games, it was either TechTV or ZDTV which both provided me some awesome content to watch. Being a geek myself, I really enjoyed seeing a channel that talked about video games, comic books, tech, etc. It was just amazing to know that there were other people out there that were just like me, I didn't feel so alone. I got to discover things that I never knew like there were these special events happening called Comic Con and E3. Seeing the events compl...

Comparing Myself To Others: Me Vs Cody

 Quite a while ago, I somehow manage to talk about my history of self-harming. I still can't believe that I worked up the courage to write about that. But I am extremely grateful of the overwhelming support I got from it. Thank you all for the love!  But now, I wanted to start looking back and confront some of the things I feel like are my triggers and why I was harming myself. And one of those issues that has had me down on a number of occasions is having a more popular and more successful older brother. His name is Cody or as many people know him as, Codeman 25! Now, I am not alone when it comes to stuff like this, there are many others who struggled with what I am about to talk about. But for anyone out there who reads this and/or struggling with the same thing, just know that your siblings do love you and it isn't worth hurting yourself over it. Looking back on my struggles with this, I noticed a few things. First, my brother burst onto the scene during his senior year of ...

Are Things Getting Too Toxic?

 Does anybody else feel tense a lot lately? I mean where it feels like no matter where you go in the world, things just feel off? I am asking this because I'm really getting started to freak out a bit about the world we all live in. I can't shake this feeling that I have been getting recently and it only seems to get worse. Where I am getting at is that I am constantly seeing people argue about whatever topic whether it be on the internet or television, things only seem to get more intense or toxic even. Like there is a ton of misinformation being thrown around like it was a frisbee and I don't even know what exactly to believe. It's crazy because even if things that were being said were true, there ultimately will be some kind of ulterior motive behind it. I sometimes wonder if people just use a horrible tragedy just so they could gain power over people. And even when I do agree on certain things, I don't always agree with how people go about it. I wonder where do ...

Jim Henson Master Of Puppets

 The world has certainly lost a great visionary 35 years ago and honestly, I think we need people like Jim Henson now more than ever.  It really is sad that Henson is no longer with us. Although I wasn't quite born yet as he had past away a few months prior to me and my twin brother were born. But he left quite in impact on our lives. For those who don't know Jim Henson is, he is the creator of some of the best puppets known to mankind. AKA, the Muppets!  Such great characters like Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Rowlf the Dog, Fozzie Bear, Gonzo, Animal, the Swedish Chef and so much more. My personal favorites are Statler and Waldolf. The Muppets originated during a short form television series that was also created by Henson called Sam and Friends. But then in 1976, The Muppets Show launched and aired for five seasons which included four Primetime Emmy awards and had 21 nominations. My favorite moments from that show include listening to both Statler and Waldolf constantly...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990 Film)

 Oh boy I love me some Ninja Turtles and in today's post, I am going to be talking about the 1990 classic starring the four lovable Mutant Turtles Leonardo, Michaelangelo Donatello and Raphael as along with their allies, April O'Neil and Casey Jones attempt to rescue their Master Splinter from the hands of the Shredder and the Foot Clan. 35 years later and this movie still is amazing! In fact, several elements from the animated series were used in the film. The suits used for the turtles were created by the Jim Henson's Creature Shop. Sadly, this was one of the last projects that Jim Henson ever did as he tragically passed away after the premiere (Rest In Peace Henson 🙏🙏🙏). What I found interesting about the film was that it was consider an independent movie at the time and it only had a budget of 13.5 million dollars. But it absolutely smashed at the box office making a grand total of 202 million dollars which made it the highest grossing independent film up to that poi...

Groundhog Day! 2025

 Well folks! We are here for another special moment, and that moment is the prediction of one little groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil. Will it be an early spring? Or will we all have to endure six more weeks of winter? This tradition has been around for 185 years now. According to the Library of Congress, the first known prediction was made back in 1840 thanks to a diary entry from a Pennsylvania store-keeper. Ever since then, good ole Phil has been coming out of his little home and if he sees his shadow and runs back in, that means six more weeks of winter. This lore of this tradition comes from the German speaking areas where a badger was used while say in Hungary, they used a bear. There is also a related story within a Christian festival called Candlemas which is also known as the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ, the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary and the Feast of the Holy Encounter. Interesting fact, some Christians believe that this is ...

Total Drama (Cartoon Series)

 This was one of the most recent cartoon series that I had really enjoyed and it is crazy to think that it is still going strong to this very day with the most recent seasons ending in 2024. But overall the Total Drama series has been a pretty fun show to watch. The series originally began back in 2007 with the Total Drama Island series and it had never stop since. The show was basically a parody of the show Survivor. Each seasons involves of a group of teens who compete in an elimination style competition, in that the contestants compete in challenges both as teams and individually for rewards and immunity from elimination. Teams would also merge halfway between the season and it becomes an every man for themselves until their are two remaining competitors fight for the big cash prize. Here is the current list of Total Drama series S1: Total Drama Island S2: Total Drama Action S3: Total Drama World Tour S4: Total Drama Revenge of the Island S5: Total Drama All-Stars/Pahkitew Islan...

McVeytown Fresh Express! Feeding Those In Need!

 The other day myself and Chad decided to go for a little walk around McVeytown and we ended up walking our normal route. But this time was a little different, as we arrived at the library where we usually begin our walk. However, we noticed that there were plenty of people directing traffic, which is rare in our small town. Curious, Chad and I started our walk and realized that there was something going on at the United Methodist Church. We took a lap around the town before deciding to go and investigate. Turns out, there was a special event going on at the church and it was called Fresh Express. Fresh Express is a non-profit that bring food to those in need. They had a wide variety of different foods, strawberries, veggies among many others. According to the people who were working there, all you have to do is sign up and come through the drive-thru where volunteers are standing by to hand over some free food. It is an interesting concept and I think it is really amazing to see p...