Is It Worth It To Keep Fighting?
You know the thing I hate the most about dealing with depression and just mental health in general is the simple fact that I know that there are so many people in this world you is dealing with struggles in their lives. And I keep telling myself to stay humble and be grateful for everything I have in this world and that things can always be worse, but, I ultimately just end up hating myself. I wish I was stronger, I really do because I feel embarrassed about feeling this way. I hate it! I really, really hate dealing with this crap in my head! I mean, there are people dealing with cancer and other diseases, people who are struggling with addiction, you know we all got problems. So I do apologize I am honestly not trying to make this about me because I ain't anything special and most likely never will be. I'm just so frustrated about life and just trying to find meaning in anything really. My whole life I have tried my best to prove that I can do something with myself and overco...