The Wacky Adventures Of Joshua and Chad: Family Reunion/Our Buddy Justin!

 This past weekend was quite fun for me and my twin and we went along with our parents to go see the rest of our giant family as our Yoder Family Summer Reunion over at Greenwood.

It is always good to see family, especially since we all don't see each other too often for a variety of reasons. But every time that we do get together it is always a fun time.

One of the first things that I noticed when we all arrived at the pavilion was a poster sitting inside where there was a showcase of old family photos. And when I say old, I mean old lol. Some of the photos were in black and white. One of them really stood out to me and it was one with my grandma Yoder in it. Now I never got to meet my Father's parents, I was barely alive when they both past away and I never really was told about them. So it was really cool to see photos of them.

Of course, the food was amazing! My family certainly know how to pig out lol. Getting to talk with everybody and seeing what they are doing with their lives is always enjoyable. Because lets face it, we are all just trying our best to make through this life.

Another crazy experience I had during the reunion was the simple fact that I am getting older. I just had this moment in my head when I realized how far things have come in my life. What I mean by that is I remember being a little kid and seeing my cousins like Drew, Serena, Nicole, etc and now they are bringing kids of their own to the reunion. It really is amazing because it reminds me how time flies and appreciate every moment because you never know when it will end.

The same could be said about what Chad and I did afterwards when we went to see a buddy of ours in Justin. We decided to go travel to Barnes and Nobles because I was looking for more books to read and research where I also met a random couple and we started talking to each other out of the bloom about religion and spirituality and just had a good time. Even crazier they wanted to buy my book Thoughts Of A Sheltered Mind on Amazon. I wasn't expecting to see or talk to anybody and I just took as maybe we were meant to talk.

As always, it is always a great time getting to hangout with Justin because me and Chad have known him for a long time mainly because of our older brother Cody. We both have a lot of love and respect for him and he was a big reason why I love listening to rock and metal. Also we both feel like that we can talk about anything with him which personally I feel smarter every time we get to hangout with him. 

Which I guess is what the point of this blog post is that appreciate everything and everyone in your life because you never know when it is gone. Even though there are plenty of days where things can get extremely depressing, all we can do is our best and love and appreciate everything you have.

I hope and pray that everyone in my family had a safe trip home and thank you as well Justin for allowing me and Chad to come visit and have a good time.

Until next time! God Bless and Be Safe! 🙏🙏🙏


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