Is It Worth It To Keep Fighting?

 You know the thing I hate the most about dealing with depression and just mental health in general is the simple fact that I know that there are so many people in this world you is dealing with struggles in their lives. And I keep telling myself to stay humble and be grateful for everything I have in this world and that things can always be worse, but, I ultimately just end up hating myself.

I wish I was stronger, I really do because I feel embarrassed about feeling this way. I hate it! I really, really hate dealing with this crap in my head! I mean, there are people dealing with cancer and other diseases, people who are struggling with addiction, you know we all got problems. So I do apologize I am honestly not trying to make this about me because I ain't anything special and most likely never will be.

I'm just so frustrated about life and just trying to find meaning in anything really. My whole life I have tried my best to prove that I can do something with myself and overcome my issues but I feel like I am failing on every level no matter how hard I try. I was always told to work hard and good things will come, you just got to keep fighting. And to be perfectly honest with all of you, I am really getting exhausted with having to deal with all of this.

I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror because I know that all I am going to see, is a complete and utter failure. I honestly feel like an embarrassment to my parents. I've tried to work extremely hard at everything I do and yet, I feel like I am going nowhere. Because of that it has been draining both mentally as well physically.

There are things about myself that I want to explore and understand. I want to know who I really am and more importantly, be able to accept myself. To be honest I wish I could explain myself better but I am too scared to because I am scared of what people will think of me and I really don't want to deal with that. But at the same time, I wish somebody would be there to listen and talk about it.

I don't even know if I can overcome this and it really scares the ever living crap out of me! I keep telling myself to think about what I have been able to do like publish my first book which was something I never thought would have been possible. And I am still working on plenty other stuff as well like a novel and other poems. But I still end up questioning if I am going to make it.

I've been praying about it and I have yet to find an answer and it's really getting to me. I know they say patience is a virtue but man. How much longer do I have to wait?

For the record, I am not looking for pity, I am not suicidal. I am just simply venting frustrations in which honestly, maybe I needed to write all of this out. This blog has certainly, been that for me, a way to relief myself.

But I am really scared about the future and mentally and physically, I just feel exhausted. I also hope that all of you who are dealing with simpler issues are able to find your peace of mind.

God Bless and Be Safe

Until Next Time!


  1. You are not alone my twin I wonder the same thing but I know deep down we all matter and that I love you my twin god bless


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