
Showing posts from January, 2024

Socially Awkward and Burnt Out

 These last few days have kind of been a bit of a rollercoaster of emotions right now and I am letting some stuff get to me again. A lot of this has to do with some of the stuff I am writing about in my blog because in one of my previous ones that I have written. I made promise to myself that I will not be afraid of some of the stuff that I want to talk/write about. I promise I am working on those blogs as we speak, the problem however is the simple fact that I started to let those voices in my head telling me that I shouldn't do it, people are going to hate me, etc. I think that it is pretty obvious that I am socially awkward. And recently my mind and body sort of gave out on me and I have been trying to relax these couple of days. I am feeling better now for anyone who is concerned.  The problem I am currently having is that I would love to be able to express a lot of things, but as I mentioned earlier, I fear that people are going to hate me and I don't want people to hate ...

Bob Ross

 One of my favorite people who helped inspire my love for the arts was the famous painter known as Bob Ross who hosted the Joy of Painting show from 1983 to 1994 on PBS. Man I loved that show and still watch it a good bit thanks to many streaming services as well as Youtube and it never gets old. You can make the argument that his show really helped you relax and make it seem like your troubles never existed and you could finally be at peace. Though I am no expert when it comes to painting, or as good as Ross was. But if it weren't him, I often wonder if I'd ever fall in love with art whether it be painting, drawing, writing, music, etc. Ross just made art seem so simple and beautiful, it kind of was like the world wasn't such a dark place or that art could be used as a weapon of light to get through the darkness. I always enjoyed how he smacked his brush around and just chuckled and said, just beat the devil out of it lol. Or another one was everybody could use a friend or...

Spiritual/Religious Experiences!

 Recently I had myself quite an experience and it kind of made me feel like it was something that needs to be discussed. You see, I had this dream, vision, whatever you like to call it about seeing blue butterflies flying all around me. It felt so peaceful and it really brighten my spirits. I went online to see what possible meanings were about them and some have different opinions, but one thing that really connected with me was the fact that it talked about positive changes coming into my life. Another reason why I am writing about this is because this is not the first time things like this have happened to me in my life. And also there are some people out there that probably think I am out of my mind but I truly believe that God is there for me and watching over me. Another cool moment came during a very dark point in my life. It was a couple months after my Nan had passed away and to say I was crushed would be an understatement. With my Nan gone, I really wanted to end it all b...

Lewistown Area High School Class of 2009

 I can't believe it has been 15 years since me and Chad have graduated from Lewistown Area High School back in 2009. High school was a very interesting time for not just myself, but for many of us who had attended, mainly because usually times at high school is the time of getting to know ones self and discover who they are and what there place is in this world. Being a teenage to becoming a young adult can be very challenging to a lot of people during this time in life. Especially with dealing with all sorts of different emotions that we didn't understand before. Sadly, there are also a lot of young people who struggled to figure things out during their time in high school and I was certainly one of those people.  I mention this because recently I found and looked back through my yearbook when I graduated from Lewistown and it was pretty cool to see some old faces especially now that I am older and learned so much about myself. The only problem about this is I wish I knew wha...