Spiritual/Religious Experiences!

 Recently I had myself quite an experience and it kind of made me feel like it was something that needs to be discussed.

You see, I had this dream, vision, whatever you like to call it about seeing blue butterflies flying all around me. It felt so peaceful and it really brighten my spirits. I went online to see what possible meanings were about them and some have different opinions, but one thing that really connected with me was the fact that it talked about positive changes coming into my life.

Another reason why I am writing about this is because this is not the first time things like this have happened to me in my life. And also there are some people out there that probably think I am out of my mind but I truly believe that God is there for me and watching over me.

Another cool moment came during a very dark point in my life. It was a couple months after my Nan had passed away and to say I was crushed would be an understatement. With my Nan gone, I really wanted to end it all because I figured with her no longer here, what was the point of me being alive. I mean I really didn't think that I was worth anything.

But then one day I was at home and just completely out of it. However, I went over to a phone book and I called an preacher who I once talked to before I got busy and he talked me down and got me to relax. But here is the thing, I honestly felt that someone was telling me to call this person. It wasn't my idea. It was God helping me.

As I go through this journey called life, I have had other stuff that I researched and it led to some incredible discoveries. Like for example, I would have random numbers pop into my head and I would go look them up and they would really hit home with me. It was like I was getting an answer to my questions.

One of my favorite moments came when I went to a Catholic Mass and I met with Fr. Peter Rettig. The only problem was that the power was out so Fr. Peter decided to go old fashion and perform the Mass under candle lights. And I tell you what, it was such a beautiful experience. I felt like I was in another world, everything just felt like nothing was there but in a peaceful way.

The best part was how when the Mass had ended, the power came back on after Fr. Peter said Amen! It blow my mind.

It's stuff like this that have really kept me balanced and bring a lot of good thoughts in my head. And to be honest, it makes me feel that God does have a plan for me, I just have to be patience and it will all make sense soon. Even when there are days when I wonder what will happen or when, I keep reminding myself that it will all happen in God's time.

God Bless and Be Safe Everyone! 


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