Bob Ross

 One of my favorite people who helped inspire my love for the arts was the famous painter known as Bob Ross who hosted the Joy of Painting show from 1983 to 1994 on PBS.

Man I loved that show and still watch it a good bit thanks to many streaming services as well as Youtube and it never gets old.

You can make the argument that his show really helped you relax and make it seem like your troubles never existed and you could finally be at peace.

Though I am no expert when it comes to painting, or as good as Ross was. But if it weren't him, I often wonder if I'd ever fall in love with art whether it be painting, drawing, writing, music, etc.

Ross just made art seem so simple and beautiful, it kind of was like the world wasn't such a dark place or that art could be used as a weapon of light to get through the darkness.

I always enjoyed how he smacked his brush around and just chuckled and said, just beat the devil out of it lol. Or another one was everybody could use a friend or happy accidents.

Again, you can still watch the Joy of Painting online these days as sadly Bob Ross is no longer with us (RIP) 🙏🙏🙏 So if any of you ever needed something to help you relax and take a load off. I highly recommend watching Bob Ross paint, it truly is amazing what he does.

To be honest I've always found it incredible with how he just uses the same paint over and over again and create so many different beautiful paintings on each episode.

I can never thank people like Bob Ross enough for helping me love art so much. God Bless you Bob!

And to anyone who is reading this remember, happy painting and God Bless my friends!


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