Red Hood (Comic Book Character)

 In my humble opinion, one of the most underrated comic book characters of all time is Jason Todd. Better known as the Red Hood.

Jason Todd made his debut into comics back in March of 1983 as Robin during Batman #635. Todd was a replacement to the original Robin (Dick Grayson) who had moved on and became Nightwing. 

Todd became the new Robin after Batman discovered him trying to steal the tires off of the Batmoblie. 

Now, I know that I just said that Jason Todd was an underrated character, but when he first debut, he wasn't exactly popular among the fans as Jason was known for being aggressive and reckless. Basically he was the total opposite of Dick Grayson.

It got so bad that during the storyline "A Death In The Family" fans voted on a telephone poll that Jason would die at the hands of the Joker.

We wouldn't see Jason again until 2005 during the "Under The Red Hood" story arc. In this story a mysterious figure named the Red Hood began tearing up the streets of Gotham which ultimately led to Batman discovering that Jason is alive thanks to Ra's al Ghul and his daughter Talia who placed him in the Lazarus Pit. But only made Jason even more aggressive.

Which is one of the reasons why I love the Red Hood character in the beginning because he challenges Batman and his one rule which is not to kill. Because of the fact the Joker had murdered him, Jason always wondered why Batman never killed him back.

But eventually, Jason came back to the Batman family, although he has become more of an anti-hero. He even became the leader of the Outlaws. Which honestly, I really enjoyed the Red Hood and the Outlaws series. I really loved seeing Jason trying to find redemption and peace as well the dynamic between the original three members of the team along with Red Hood were Starfire and Arsenal. Then it was Red Hood along with Bizarro and Artemis. Both volumes were amazing!

Red Hood has appeared in numerous movies and video games and to this day I really enjoyed the film version of Under the Red Hood where Jason Todd was voiced by Jensen Ackles.

It is interesting to see what Red Hood will do next.

Until Next Time!

God Bless and Be Safe Everybody! 🙏🙏🙏


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