I Miss G4!
You talk about things that left a lasting impression on your life, G4 certainly did for a young me during my teenage years. What sucks about it was it not only died, it came back only to fall flat on its face again which looking back on it, I can't really that I was surprised by it.
But lets talk about the real G4 and how it was so amazing and honestly wish it was still here. Before we get there though, why don't we take a few steps back and quickly discuss before being G4. You see, when I first starting watching stuff on video games, it was either TechTV or ZDTV which both provided me some awesome content to watch.
Being a geek myself, I really enjoyed seeing a channel that talked about video games, comic books, tech, etc. It was just amazing to know that there were other people out there that were just like me, I didn't feel so alone. I got to discover things that I never knew like there were these special events happening called Comic Con and E3. Seeing the events completely blew my mind 😮.
However, this was just only the beginning. G4 was formed in 2002 but soon merged with TechTV a couple years later, which I didn't know at the time was not a very popular decision among fans. But again, I didn't know that. I was just so focused on the amazing shows that they had.
Such great shows like Filter, X-Play, the Screen Savers, Attack of the Show, Cheat, Pulse, Blister, Icons, Cinematech, Proving Ground, G4TV.com, Ninja Warrior, Judgement Day, Arena, Unbeatable Banzuke, Code Monkeys, Fresh Gear, Game Makers, Robot Wars and so much more. Personally, I also had a lot of fun standing up late at night and watch Anime Unleashed with my twin my brother Chad. God only knows how much I love those days!
One of the craziest things that I had ever experienced, was watching their coverage of the release of the video game classic, Halo 2. Now, I was not around during the times of the arcade madness or many of the older games. But this was the first time that I got to witness people going crazy over a video game. As much as I love video games, I didn't think something like that could make people go nuts like Halo 2 did. I mean watching the midnight release of the game where I saw lines upon lines of people just waiting to buy and then go play Halo 2 was insane to me.
Watching that made me and Chad realize one thing, we wanted to work for G4. We didn't care about being seen on TV, we wanted to be able to go cover things like comic books, anime, video games, whatever. This became important to us because we always wanted to be a part of something special and we wanted to help build on the things we've loved since we were kids. And seeing how California was a beautiful summer weather state and we honestly thought it be a safe place for us because we don't exactly have the best social skills. Working for G4 in our minds, was a safe haven to us.
Unfortunately, like a lot of our dreams, things would soon turn for the worse. By the time Chad and I became Seniors in high school in 2009, G4 was already in trouble. The channel at this point had gotten ridden a ton of its original programming and it never was the same ever again. To say that I was crushed, would be a understatement.
Years later Chad and I saw that there was a G4 reunion special on Youtube. I was excited about it and did enjoy watching it. But honestly, when they announced the return of G4, I did not have any confidence in it. Mainly because, I felt that the people in charge and the cast that they had didn't bring the same kind of excitement like it did in years past. Now, I'm not saying that the people there weren't trying, it just was not ever going to be the same. And it didn't take long for it to fall a part, which was unfortunate.
I'm glad there are still some old videos from the glory days of G4 as well as ZDTV and TechTv and seeing them every once in a while, really brings a smile on my face.
I would love to be able to bring something like G4 back into today's world. I know that there is Twitch and other internet sites that talk about video games, comics, anime, etc. But it kind of feels like it is everyone for themselves. I often wonder if there will ever be something like G4 ever again.
But I can only hope and pray.
Until Next Time!
God Bless and Be Safe Everybody! 🙏🙏🙏
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