Writer's Block: Frustrations Of Life

These last few days have been quite hectic to say the least because I have been struggling a lot mentally and it has been affecting my writing which is why I thought about today's topic, writer's block.

To anybody who loves to write whether it be novels, short stories, poems, blogs or all of the above, we all have our moments where nothing seems to be clicking and it can be seriously frustrating.

Now some of those things that cause these issues vary, sometimes they are a single little problem, sometimes they are multiple problems coming out you all at once. Which the latter has been my issues lately.

For a few days now, I have been struggling mentally to get some writing done, whether it be for Hometown Sports, my blog here, my poems and even the books I hope to publish someday have been tough to get going.

There is a ton of reasons why I haven't really been able to get going recently and I really want to explore some of the biggest issues that I am dealing with.

For one, I have been having a lot of internal struggles because I have been trying to do my best, but at times I don't feel like I am getting anywhere and it really gets to me. 

Not to mention that I have a tough time not questioning myself about the things I like to write about. For starters, I really enjoy writing stuff that involves, religion/spirituality as well as romance and sensuality and I often fight if I should be one or the other and sometimes neither and it kind of brings me back to a time where I was very self-harming.

Plus I am also fighting with myself about things that I also want to talk about on my blog as well as other projects that I hope to achieve this year.

I sometimes wonder if I am a bit burned out and maybe take some time away from the computer, but I am also scared to stop because I do not want to give up on something that I truly love. Writing in my humble feels like the only thing that I have left and losing it could really destroy me. I don't feel like I am good at anything else. 

Also, maybe God is trying to tell me to calm down Josh. I don't need to push myself too much, things are slowly moving into place and I just don't see it. Maybe God is telling me to relax and regroup for a little bit.

Well there is my airing of frustration lol. However, I must say, it was nice to get that out of me. But to my fellow writers out there who are also struggling, just know that we must keep going and soon we will find that opening we have been craving for.

Until Next Time!

God Bless and Be Safe Everybody! 🙏🙏🙏


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