The Hunchback Of Notre Dame (1996 Film) A Reflection Of How I Feel

 You want to talk about a movie having an impact on someone, this film certainly did for me as a kid and even more so as an adult. And I am talking about the Hunchback of Notre Dame which first came out in 1996 on Disney.

The movie is loosely based on the 1831 novel that was originally written by a French writer named Victor Hugo. 

The film was directed by Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale and stars Tom Hulce, Demi Moore, Tony Jay, Kevin Kline, Paul Kandel, Jason Alexander, Charles Kimbrough, Mary Wickes and David Orgen Stiers.

When it first originally came out, it was considered by many because of how dark and mature themes were used throughout the film. Such themes like genocide, lust, infanticide and antiziganism. To be perfectly honest with you, I was surprised that I was even allowed to watch it as a kid. But at the same time, I am very thankful that I did. And I will explain a little bit later.

The story follows Quasimodo (Hulce) a 20 year old who is deformed with a hunchback which was caused by kyphosis. Though he is incredible strong thanks to ringing the Notre Dame heavy bells. His entire life at this point has been living in isolation within the church. His only friends are gargoyles Victor, Hugo and Laverne.

He was raised by Judge Claude Frollo, a reluctant step father due to him killing Quasimodo's mother and was forced to become his parent after the archdeacon scolds for killing an innocent woman.

Quasimodo wishes to attend the Festival of Fools despite Frollo's warning that the people would not want to see him and his deformities. At first, things seem to be going well for him, but Frollo's guards prompted the crowd into humiliating him. Frollo refuses to help Quasimodo before Esmeralda, a young Roma saves him and together, the two escape.

From there on out, things in Paris soon becomes a war zone and it is up to Quasimodo and friends to help stop Frollo.

This film was made on a budget of 70 million dollars and had a box office of 325.3 million dollars making it the fifth highest-grossing film of 1996.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame will always have a special place in my heart, no matter how much older I get, it still hits me in my very soul. Remember earlier when I said that I was very thankful to have watched this movie? Well here is why.

As someone who deals with some deformities himself, I totally can relate to Quasimodo as well as the simple fact, I too lived a very sheltered life and didn't really get out much growing up. I always felt like I am this ugly monster and no one would ever accept me, it is a struggle that I continue to deal with to this day. But what I love about Quasimodo is how he still chooses to be kind to others despite his deformities and do my very best to do that myself here in the real world. Too many times I have seen people use their struggles as a reason to become bitter and take it out on other people when they do not deserve it.

But with that being said, not trying to make things depressing, I loved how in the film had Quasimodo fall in love with Esmeralda but ultimately she ended up with Captain Phoebus. I can relate to that as well, but honestly, it is okay. 

This is another one of those looking into the mirror things and the truth is, as much as I want to love and be in love with a woman. I don't think it is ever going to happen to a guy like me and truthfully, I understand. A woman wants a man to be her protector, a physical fit and strong man. And with me having Cerebral Palsy and Scoliosis, my body can't really reach that level. I don't have the ability to be able to provide and at times I struggle with things and I don't think many people would have the patience for it, but again I totally understand.

Another reason why I love this movie is the portrayal of the church and really just humanity in general. I love the archdeacon character, I really feel that he represents the best of the church and what we all should inspire to be like. 

But then there is Frollo who in my humble opinion is what the worst of we all can become if we are not careful. Throughout the film you see Frollo slowly become more and more sinister, but flat out refuses to admit that he is in the wrong, he uses the church justify is evil doing which ultimately leads to his undoing and eventually downfall.

My personal favorite song in the film was God help the outcasts. It is something I pray about each and every night. 

Overall, I will always enjoy seeing this movie. And for anyone out there who are struggling, just know that God loves you and like it is said in the movie, there is Sanctuary through him.

Remember to always love one another.

Until Next Time!

God Bless and Be Safe Everybody!🙏🙏🙏


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