One On One Interview With Christine Miroddi-Yoder Owner Of Foodology Feeding Therapy

 Hey everybody! Today I wanted to do something a little bit different for my blog. One of the things I wanted to do with my blog was to not only let some personal feelings about myself. But also to help promote things and in today's blog, I did a little interview with my sister-in-law Christine Miroddi-Yoder who is the owner of Foodology Feeding Therapy. 

I would like to say thank you to Christine for taking the time to answer my questions and I do hope you all will enjoy my little interview with her.

JY: What was the inspiration behind doing this project?

CM: I wanted to teach parents that Mindset is an important piece of eating. A lot of people think kids should just put food in their mouth and eat it, but eating is more complicated than that. What you say and how you act around food affects how kids respond at mealtimes. So this book is hopefully teaching parents what to do, not do and say and not say around mealtimes.  

JY: What were some of the challenges creating Foodology?

CM: Creating any business comes with challenges. I think telling people how you can help is the biggest challenge. A lot of people just don’t know I exist and that I can help them solve their problem. 

JY: Were there any personal experiences that you used?

CM: Personally my son Luke had trouble eating as an infant and it led me to take courses and learn more about the right way and the wrong way to feed kids. 

JY: What do you hope people will take from Foodology?

CM:  I hope people take that there’s a lot they can do differently that will affect their kids eating in a positive way. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result just doesn’t work. I’m here to show you there’s another way. 

JY: What advice do you have for parents who are struggling with picky eaters?

CM:  My best advice to parents is to learn what is underlying their child’s feeding issue. There’s 4 pillars of eating: the gut, mindset, sensory, and oral motor skills. Usually kids who are picky about food have issues in 1 and very likely 2-4 areas. Once you know the why you can start to see progress. A lot of parents think their kids are just being difficult- but that’s rarely the case. Usually there’s more going on. 

There you have it everybody! That was my little interview with Christine Miroddi-Yoder. I hope you all enjoyed it.

For more information about Foodology. You can check it her website,

You can also check out her book, Mealtime Mindset on Amazon,

Until Next Time!

God Bless and Be Safe Everybody! 🙏🙏🙏 


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