Edgar Allan Poe (Writer, Poet)

 With it being the month of January, it is time to honor one of the greatest writers in history. Edgar Allan Poe, who was born on the 19th of this month which would have been his 216th birthday. 

Poe is known for his stories to have a very dark tone that features mystery as well as macabre. He is also considered to be one of the central figures of storytellers during the Romanticism and Gothic fiction era in America. He is generally named the creator of the detective fiction genre and many also claim that he is a major contributor of the emergence of science fiction.

Another fun fact about Poe, he was also the first known American author to be able to live on writing alone.

Sadly though, Poe is also remembered for being a tragic figure and doing the research of his life for my blog, I can understand why. Poe lived a tough life right from the very start of his life beginning with his father abandoning him and the rest of his family and not long after that, he then lost his mother and then years later lost his wife. Both of which many believed inspired many of his writing.

But then just a few years later, Poe himself would be found dead in Baltimore under mysterious circumstances which to this very day many people believed that Poe was murdered among many other theories ever since then.

I must say that Poe is definitely a huge reason as to why I enjoy gothic fiction. It is like pure poetry in my humble opinion. You can always feel the pain that he was feeling during his lifetime and to be perfectly honest, it is strangely comforting to me.

As weird as that sounds, I guess as someone who is struggling to feel accepted or my on-going battle with depression along with self-harming. Poe's stories always hit home for me.

One of my favorites is of course, The Raven which came out on January 29th, 1845. But also really enjoyed the Pit and the Pendulum, the Black Cat, A Decent into the Maelstrom and Annabel Lee.

I often wonder what it would have been like if I got a chance to meet Poe. Mainly because I felt so sorry for him and what he went through during his lifetime. But also I wonder how he would feel seeing how much of influence he was to many of us readers.

But more importantly, I pray that his soul has found peace and is resting peacefully. Thank you Edgar for such incredible peaces of art.

Until Next Time!

God Bless and Be Safe Everyone! 🙏🙏🙏


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