The Wacky Adventures Of Josh and Chad: Mindspell Concert!

 WOW! That was such a fun night! My twin brother Chad and I made our return to a local VFW in Mount Union to see our friend Eric Scott and his band Mindspell.

This was the second time that we got to go to this VFW and watch our friends perform and these guys absolutely killed it out there tonight. 

You know, being in a small town there isn't much going on, which doesn't help someone like myself trying to explore things and step out on his comfort zone, but nonetheless when the time comes, I try my best to go out and enjoy myself and meet new people and try and do things.

Plus, I really love rock and metal music so we decided to go and see the band. And much like the first time, we had a total blast.

What was even more fun about tonight's adventure was I got to meet a few new people, but also got to meet up with some old friends who I haven't seen in a long time and they just happened to be there that night.

First, I got to hangout with Eric and the band before the show and got us some sweet Mindspell Merch. The next thing I know is Chad and I got to see a family friend who we haven't seen since we were little. And that was our dad's friend Stevie Miller who surprisingly noticed us. But sadly still couldn't figure out which is which 😅.

Then our old buddy James came over and said hello. Good kid, who we haven't seen for a while either and I am glad to here that he has been doing well for himself as well. So the three of us just got to sit and chill and jam along the awesome music of Mindspell. SHOUT OUT TO YOU JAMES! Hope and pray you got home safely.

The band itself played a lot of covers which were awesome as they brought some old 80s and 90s classics. The biggest difference in my humble opinion this year from the first year was there was a much bigger crowd. Which is awesome because many people are out supporting local/Indy bands.

Which I am so glad to see because there are so many new bands or up and coming artists out there trying to make it big and I feel as though it is important to go and watch these great musical acts.

Plus, it just feels great to actually get out and see things and talk to other people. Even though I can be pretty awkward to say the least. But I am trying my best and to be fair, it is not so easy for anyone to sit down and chat with anyone anymore with the craziness of the world. But overall, I was having a ball at there.

I would like to thank Mindspell for a great concert as well as the VFW for providing such a great service to us tonight.

And again, I can not stress this enough, please go out and support these groups and more importantly, just go out and have fun and be with friends and loved ones. I truly believe that it can help us all in the long run if we all just come together and relax and have some fun and let loose every once in a while.

Until Next Time!

God Bless and Be Safe Everybody! 🙏🙏🙏


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