Frank Miller (Comic Book Writer)
In previous blogs, I have mentioned a few of my influences as a writer and today I thought about writing one about a legendary comic book writer. His name is Frank Miller.
Miller has been in the comic book business since before I was even born. In fact, my parents weren't even married yet when he first started writing comics. The first time that I had ever gotten to see anything of Frank Miller was back in 2005 when a movie based on one of his amazing comics (Sin City) and I become a fan instantly.
Since then I have been researching him more and being a fan of comic books myself, I must say Frank has created some of greatest stories in comic book history in my humble opinion.
Miller is one of the reasons why I enjoy the character Daredevil. As I went back and learned about his time there with the character, he created Elektra and wrote the Daredevil: Born Again story arc which many claim is one of the best stories in the history of the character.
Frank also created the Dark Knight Returns which was a four issue miniseries.
One of the reasons that drew my attention to the works of Miller was his use of the film noir style of writing as well the black and white of his comics like for example Sin City.
His story are also so dark and gritty which has been something that always catches my attention. Also books like Ronin were inspired by Manga and being a fan of anime myself, greatly appreciate the effort he put into the series.
I remember watching a little episode of G4 Icons which talked about him and I must say, I really did enjoy! There was even recently a documentary about Miller called Frank Miller: American Genius which aired back in June of this year. Which I need to go find a way to watch it.
I would really love to be able to go and meet Mr. Miller and thank him for being a huge influence on me and I really hope to be able to tell amazing stories like has.
Until Next Time!
God Bless and Be Safe Everybody!🙏🙏🙏
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