Things I Am Thankful For

 Well since we are getting closer to Thanksgiving, I thought it be a good idea to talk about things that I am thankful for. To be perfectly honest, I am not really sure as to why everybody is already talking about Christmas shopping. I always wonder why for the most part we as a society have already skipped over Thanksgiving? 

Maybe I am just overthinking like I always seem to do, but I just feel like many of us including myself have forgotten to be grateful for what we have. So here are some of the things that I am grateful for. Hope and pray that you all enjoy it.

The first thing I am grateful for is my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! For it is no secret that I have been battling depression and other issues for basically my entire life. But for some reason, I am still here and I am thankful to God for that. Though I am far from perfect as much as I would love to be and that I don't understand why I am even here for. Yet, at the same time, I have always felt like something or someone was there watching over me and has kept me from going completely insane.

Lord knows that I am not perfect and often I wonder if I am even worth it. But again, I truly believe everything happens for a reason and I tell myself every single day and all that is happening is a part of God's Plan. And I am forever grateful to you Lord for that as I continue on this spiritual journey of finding myself and be closer to you.

Second thing is my family, though we don't always see eye to eye on a lot of things and at times, I worry that we may never be as connected as I would like to be. I still know that you guys love me. For example, my mother and my father. You two had to raise two kids like myself and my twin brother Chad who struggle a lot with us dealing with Cerebral Palsy and Scoliosis and never really knew how to help us with it. But still, you raised us and made sure we were able to do the best we could.

Mom, every single time I was sick and were able to stay home and take care of me, you did. I'm sorry for all the frustrations that I have caused for you growing up and I am so grateful to you and I will always love you.

Dad, I wish I could have been the son you always wanted. I am sorry that I am not really much of a mechanic when it comes to help take care of my own car and a lot of other things. I once thought that you didn't like me, but as I grow older, I have realized how much you have loved me and my brothers. My father once worked at a job where he has been burnt and have metal dropped on you. And yet, you still went to work because you wanted to provide for us. I can't thank you enough for that!

I am thankful for my older brother Cody, his wife Christine, little Lukey, Macy, my aunts Vic and Mona, my uncles Butch, Ffej, Mark, Galen, as well as the rest of my family. And to all my friends as well where ever you are, I am grateful to you as well and pray that you will all find your happiness.

Third, I am so grateful to discover my love of writing. It has been one of the biggest reasons as to why I haven't been self-harming. It has helped me get a lot out of me and honestly, I still get a bit surprised with some of the things I have written and write to this very day. I am not really sure what to make of it all, and it certainly has made me search for myself and find who I really am. 

Ever since I have become a writer, I have met some of the most interesting people in the world. I got to meet my mentors in Brian Carson and Kenny Varner. I love you guys so much and thank you for everything you have done for me. I got to see several of my other friends like Sarah Smarty get to publish stories and books as well which was really cool to see. Even as my time as a sports writer I also got to meet some incredible people from multiple counties and gotten to see some amazing stuff.

And after so many years, I finally published earlier this year called Thoughts of A Sheltered Mind. I honestly thought stuff like that was never possible for me, it still blows my mind that it even happened. But don't worry, I am currently working on more writing projects that hopefully be announced at a later time.

I do not know where my journey will take me, but I am extremely grateful to you all! 

Until Next Time!

God Bless and Be Safe! 🙏🙏🙏


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