Persona Series (Video Series)

The Persona series is a spin-off series that came from Shin Megami Tensei If which was released in 1994. The first Persona game came out in 1996 called Revelations: Persona for the original Playstation.

The concept of each game is a group of students who come together with the leader of the group usually a silent protagonist fight against monsters with their Personas.

Other recurring themes that pop up throughout the series is influence from the works of Carl Jung a Swiss psychiatrist, psychological personas, tarot cards as well as several religious and mythological imagery. Which is one of my favorite reasons as to why I enjoy the series. But the overall theme of each game is the team all trying to find themselves. 

Another cool feature I love about the games especially after the third game, is the social simulation. With all of the protagonist being the silent type, it really allows me to really be myself as I make choices with each of the other characters.

Plus is game reminds me of a lot of the anime that I really enjoy watching. Heck! It even feels like I am in an anime when I play Persona. Also the music in each game is incredible!

I don't know if I really have a favorite though because a lot of these characters are amazing in their own right and honestly, I am super amazed with how each of the actors portrays each one. 

You know what I mean, seriously, Persona 3 had a great group of characters, Persona was pretty good too. Persona 5 with the Phantom Thieves were certainly to see and play as. I really need to rewatch or play and see all the characters again in order to pick which again is still tough for me because I love them all.

Which is probably the biggest reason as to why I enjoy this series because as much as I enjoy playing the main character, the other characters are really fun too. Just like some of the different types of anime I watch, I can honestly say all of them are awesome.

I wonder what they are going to do for Persona 6? 

What do you guys think of the Persona series?

Until Next Time!

God Bless and Be Safe! 🙏🙏🙏


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