I See A Cardinal. I Miss You Nan

 This past Friday marks nearly 15 years since the death of one of the closest people I have been with. She was so loving and kind and basically everything I try to be in my own life. Many people who knew her as Shirley Parks, but I called her Nan.

Usually days like this ultimately end up with me being depressed because I know that she is gone and is never coming back.

But for some strange reason, I have been seeing a cardinal a lot. Thought it was weird yet comforting. So I decided to look the meaning about seeing a cardinal.

Turns out seeing a cardinal is a sign from above that a loved one(s) is near. Which is interesting because November 15 was when my Nan had sadly passed away. Which would explain why despite feeling down and depressed, I still feel a comfort around me. 

Which isn't surprising to me that it makes me feel like my Nan is with me. She was always there to comfort me for good portion of my life. Heck! All she even had to do when I was upset about something was to just simply kiss me on the cheek and tell me she loved me and everything I was feeling would just go away.

Seeing a cardinal also remembered me of my Pap as well who was a big fan of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team. I always loved being around him too, mainly because I'd loved how silly and goofy he get sometimes. Of course now as I get older, I'm starting to think that Pap did that on purpose just to annoy my Nan lol.

I truly believe my Nan is comforting me right now letting me know that everything is going to be alright. And I thank you Lord for it.

Miss her greatly, although I know that we are going to be faced with death someday. But I try my best to get through each day.

I loved her so much! I know she is in a better place. I really appreciate you comforting me Nan like you always had.

God Bless you Nan!

Until Next Time!

God Bless and Be Safe!🙏🙏🙏


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