What Do We Really Know?

 Have some questions for all of you. Am I crazy? Is it weird to question things? Or am I just overthinking all of these? I ask this because there is so much out there in the world and beyond that I often wonder if there is more than what we have been told all these years.

It has been a feeling of mine for quite sometime now and have been really starting to branch out and ask questions. To be frank, I don't think my questions could be answered by people. Honestly, I am not even sure if people would like to know the answer.

Maybe I am going a bit crazy, but I can't help but feel as though that none of us know nearly as much as we think we do. I mean, one person can say something and I can agree with them with some things, but then somebody else can come along and say something completely different yet, there is some truth to it as well.

I mean think about it, from back to days of Egypt with the Pyramids, other planets among the stars in space. Have we even scratched the surface of what really is out there with our own planet let alone the Universe.

Heck! We have only explored five percent of the Earth's ocean while 95 percent have yet to be explored mainly because of high pressures, total darkness, extreme temperatures and toxic chemicals. All of this is according to the NOAA Ocean Exploration.

Dreams are an interesting topics because we dream when we sleep. And we daydream or have visions where we have random thoughts where some people say it can be from a past life or love ones that we lost or simply our deepest desires whether it be wholesome or dark and gothic. I often wonder why we dream and research about them to see what they could mean to me or life in general.

Philosophy has been another thing in this world that has me going all over the place mentally. Like I can hear both sides of a conversation and understand both sides and sometimes not even sure who is right.

You also got people in this world who say one thing to you and then do something else. Or they say that they believe in this and ultimately you discover that they don't. They just use people or situations to better themselves.

What I have found even more interesting as I grow older and start reading and looking into things. I discovered that a lot of the words we use today don't exactly mean with how we say them. So I can be listening to people argue over whatever and they would call each other names and act like their the hot stuff. To be honest I sometimes I wonder if that is why we are all struggling to understand one another and maybe that is why we are also having trouble with learning from history. I would even go as far and say that if more people would read the actual dictionary instead of the urban dictionary maybe we wouldn't have as many problems as we do. 

And with that being said, things have been going a little crazy for me this last couple weeks. And honestly, I have been questioning a lot of different stuff and I don't feel like there is an answer for it. I don't want to say that I am scared to be around people. But I guess for a lack of a better term, I am a bit scared to be around people.

Now, don't get me wrong, I do not have a problem with anybody. I don't want to hate anyone and I don't want anyone to hate me. I'm just concerned with people and their intentions. I really need to start learning to not let my mind go wild.

I've been praying about it to God all the time among other stuff and I just really trying to strengthen myself mentally and remind myself to have faith and stay positive. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done.

Sorry for being paranoid, I am just really nervous where things are going in this world. Nothing feels right anymore. It just feels so hateful and there is a lack of balance in the world. Just nothing seems to make sense. Honestly, I'm not even sure where all of this energy is coming from. I have been trying to relax my mind and I really been trying to explain myself to people but so far no one really has helped me.

Now in fairness, I may not be explaining it well enough. But also I don't really have people to sit down with me and chat. Again, in fairness to people, everybody is busy and got their own problems so I don't hold it against people because we are all just trying to not lose our sanity.

I just can't help but question everything and I am a little bit concerned with how things are and I really could use something or have someone to talk to on a consistent basis. 

I will continue to pray and focus my mind for answers and maybe I am not ready for those answers yet. I will never know unless I keep moving forward.

Again, is it wrong to ask questions about stuff?

Until next time!

God Bless and Be Safe everyone! 🙏🙏🙏


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