The Blue Man Group

  One of the most unique groups I remember ever seeing in my life was the performance arts group called the Blue Man Group.

Created back in the late 1980s by the trio of Chris Wink, Matt Goldman and Phil Stanton in New York. They originally wore blue masks before moving onto the face paint. 

After a few years of performing in the streets, the Blue Man Group got to play in the Astor Place Theatre in Manhattan in the early 90s.

The group had their first studio recording in 1999 with Audio which was an instrumental album. 

One of the cool things about the Blue Man Group was the look. The blue face paint, the black clothes. Of course I do admit, I was a little creep out about how they never spoke. But now that I am older, I think its pretty cool 😆.

Another thing I learned about the Blue Man Group was the fact that they usually appeared in groups of three. However they usually employ seven to nine members full-time through different casting calls.

It is crazy to me how the Blue Man Group is still involved within music and just the arts in general. For nearly 40 years now this group has been entertaining people from all over the world and has done work numerous artists throughout their careers.

I really hope these guys will continue their work for many years to come because I believe that art can come in many different forms and it can help inspire others for generations to come.

Blue Man Group Website:

God Bless and Be Safe!


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