George Carlin

 One of my personal favorite comedians of all time and honestly somebody who really opened my eyes to the craziness of the very world we live in. And his name was George Carlin.

Hard to believe that he has been gone for nearly 20 years now. In fact, I was a junior in high school when he past away. And to be perfectly honest with all of you, I still personally believe that people like him are needed now more than ever.

When I first saw Carlin, it was during the time that he was playing as Mr. Conductor during the Thomas the Tank Engine show called Shining Time Station. Which I really enjoyed.

What I didn't really know about him as I grew older was how long of a career he had. I am I seen him on comedy specials and man was he ever funny and still is even to this very day. But as I watched a documentary about his career, it amazed me with how he thought. What I mean by that was everything he had said from his early days till the time he past away made a big impression on me. Now, I didn't agree with everything he had said throughout his career. But I truly believe that everything that came out of his mouth was the truth or how he really felt. Which I don't really think most people are willing to do and that is to be totally honest with ourselves and each other. But that is just my humble opinion.

But the biggest reason why I love listening to George Carlin was the simple fact that he really helped me learn how to think as weird as that may sound. I say this because just watching what he was telling us and then going out into the real world and basically seeing a lot of the things he was talking about. 

A lot of the stuff I agreed with him was how it just seems like everyone is fighting each other for really no reason and how every time we think we are doing the "right" thing, things only seem to get worse. And that was one of the things I really started noticing after I watched some of his standups. 

Honestly, I agree with how he talks about how everybody seems to be fighting each other yet things keep getting worse. And no matter what side you are on, nothing seems to get done and it kind of feels as though it was planned out that way.

Now I know many of you reading this are probably thinking that what I am saying is odd and maybe it is. But I really think there was more to what Carlin was doing than what we realize or ever wanted to admit. 

People would always tell me. Josh! He is just a comedian, he is just trying to be funny. However, why are some of the things he was saying are happening today? Maybe we all should have paid more attention. 

It makes me think a lot too. Like can't we all just get along? I mean we are all struggling and yet we rather fight each other rather than coming together. 

But overall, I just always found George Carlin was extremely funny and talented. But also very insightful about a world in chaos.

For anyone who has never listened or watched a George Carlin show. Please do because he was very funny and I really do think you will learn a lot from some of the stuff he was saying.

Until next time! 

God Bless and Be Safe! 🙏🙏🙏


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