Is There Such A Thing As Being Too Nice?

 You know, there has been something on my mind recently and I not even sure if this is something that I should be worrying about. And that is it I am too nice?

For those who don't know, I was recently in a relationship for the past couple months and earlier this week I was informed that she had been for a lack of a better term, sleeping around on me.

Too be perfectly honest, I have been feeling very numb this entire week. What hurts the most about all of this is that she was my first girlfriend in over ten years and the last time I had a relationship it ended with her cheating on me and now I finally worked up the courage to date again and once again I was cheated on.

Which begs the question. Is it even worth dating ever again? I mean, it took me forever to overcome the pain of cheating before, but now it just happened again and it was by someone who claimed to understand what I went through and she still just went behind my back.

Which also makes me wonder about something else and that is that I have been doing a lot of soul searching and questioning if I am too nice for this world. I mean, holy crap people this world is intense and I often wondering if I should stop being the nice guy.

Maybe I am just not meant to find actually love. Heck! I'm not even sure how to love about me or who I even am anymore in this crazy world.

I guess, I must have learn some kind of a lesson from it because unlike before, I immediately decided to block her and move on from her where in years past, I normally be self-harming. But it is also frustrating when to this day, I always hear how women wonder where are all the good nice guys at.

Now, I know that I am not the best looking, I know that I am not the most buff and I definitely am not the richest man on the planet. But I try my best to be loving and caring which isn't that what God wants us to do.

Lord knows I am far from perfect and maybe this is something for me to realize and that is to just focus on myself. Which in all fairness, I have never been really good at doing things for myself. I don't even know where to start. 

However, this time feels a little different. And what I mean is that usually I would feel miserable and hating myself. But now, I just feel numb to it and just move on from it. Now I don't know which way I should be taking that, but I do feel like I am in a better position than where I was in years past.

I still wonder about being too nice and maybe this could be a sign from above that things will soon change and I have to remind myself that everything happens for a reason.

Until Next Time! God Bless and Be Safe!


  1. There is nothing wrong with being the nice guy my twin you just need to find someone who understands that.You are a good person my twin and I love you you know that


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