The Joy Of Tabletop Games!

  You know, one of the lost arts I wish that people would go back to is the time of playing board games like Monopoly, Candy Land, Life, etc.

The reason that I say this is because I feel as though people nowadays are more into their phones and playing online. Don't get me wrong, I do as well, however in my humble opinion is that a vast majority of those people we may never see in person ever. 

That is one of the reasons why I feel tabletop games are important. Because I feel that creative and imagination is really lacking in the world in my humble opinion. Also I love being about to help create stories and more importantly, be about to meet and interact with other people.

I know that it is weird hearing from me who usually sticks to himself and deal with being socially awkward and stuff. But I feel that if people would actually be around someone in-person, I feel that we all have less hatred in the world. 

What I mean is if we actually try to be around other people and learn to understand them as human beings and that we don't always have to agree on everything, but it doesn't mean that we have to hate one another. Anyone can say something on the internet, but it ain't always out of hate and I truly believe if people would just open their minds and their hearts and actually face on another, I think people would realize that we have more in common than we do differences. Again, this is all just my humble opinion.

I've always been into playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the Gathering, Pathfinder, etc, but never had a chance to play it due to the simple fact that I didn't have anyone to play with. 

But thanks to my friends at my local shop called Moon Dragon, I can now do that finally. I have always been curious about these games in large part due to my love of storytelling. Where I can meet other people who have similar interests and we all come together for a common goal.

I encourage anyone out there, if you know anybody or any gaming store that does this kind of gaming nights. Please go out and have some fun and meet new people and learn new things. Truth be told, we all will never stop learning.

When I go into Moon Dragon and see all these board games, I get excited because it brings me back to some of my childhood when I would play games like Monopoly, Sorry, Trouble just to name a few with my family and it was amazing fun!

I recommend anyone out to play some tabletop games with your friends and family because I feel that actually human interaction would be beneficial for people in our lives and it could help us all out in growing.

Here is the link to Moon Dragon:

God Bless and Be Safe guys! 


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