Nintendo GameCube

  In my humble opinion, this is one of the best consoles in the history of video gaming and it is a little purple lunch box called the GameCube.

The GameCube launched back in 2001 and looked replace the N64 which was an amazing system in its own right.

But the little purple lunch box was heading into some tough competition though as the Sega Dreamcast had already launch a few years prior and the PS2 and Xbox were also making their presence felt. In fact, many people felt the PS2 and Xbox had a much better start than the GameCube.

However, despite the slow start, I would honestly say that the Nintendo GameCube was the best system by the end of the sixth generation consoles. Again, this is just my humble opinion. But I do admit, I enjoyed all of the systems that came out.

One of things I enjoyed about the system was the controller. Much like the N64, I was a little hesitate at first, but the more I played it, the more I enjoyed it.

Another cool feature about it was that you could combine the GameCube with the Gameboy Play which allowed you to use the cartridges from Gameboy, Gameboy color and Gameboy advance. There was even a GameCube-Gameboy advance cable which allows you to play certain games from the Gameboy Advance to get additional content.

Speaking of games, there are plenty to choice from when it comes to the Nintendo GameCube. Games like the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine, etc.

My personal favorites were Super Smash Bros Melee, All-Star Baseball 2003, the Backyard Sports franchise, F-Zero, Cubix Robots fro Everyone, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Fight Night Round 2.

I would say that the best game would be Resident Evil 4. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't the biggest fan of RE because I struggled with the camera angles throughout the series prior to four coming out. I was real impressed with everything about the game. The story was incredible and the gameplay was fun especially with the new camera system and aiming system as well.

Hope you guys enjoyed

God Bless and Be Safe!


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