
  Anyone that grew up in the 1990s remembers playing the Nintendo 64. It came out back in 1996 and man was that system so much fun to play.

It was the last system I remember playing that involved using a cartridge to put in my game. The N64 in my humble opinion is one of the best systems in gaming history. In fact, many of the games that were on it are still considered some of the greatest video games of all time and even being played to this very day.

Some of the things I remember about the N64 was the controller. It was one of the weirdest looking controllers I had even seen. Yet, I enjoyed the heck out of it! The M shaped controller had a joystick sitting in the middle to go along with a d-pad on the left and all kinds of different buttons on the right side. There were even other buttons on top of the controller and one in the back.

Now lets get to the fun part, the games lol. When I looked back to research the history of the N64, one of the things I noticed about the system was that it only released about 400 games during its lifespan. I find that interesting because at the time, the Sega Saturn and the Playstation were in the thousands especially the PS1. But in my humble opinion, it just shows how much Nintendo cares about making great games.

Some of those games for me included WWF No Mercy. That game was so much fun because I am a big fan of pro wrestling and it was fun to play it along with my twin brother Chad and my older Cody. In fact the N64 had a lot of the wrestling titles from back in the day including WCW Revenge.

The All Baseball series was another fun game to play, Bomberman was a lot of fun to play. Of course some of the biggest games that are still being talked about today were on the N64. Games like Mario 64, the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time as well as Majora's Mask.

I also really enjoyed other games like Donkey Kong 64, Pokemon Stadium one and two, NFL Quarterback Club, Paper Boy, Perfect Dark, 007 Goldeneye, Jeremy McGrath's Supercross 2000, etc.

This is for sure a system that anyone who is looking to collect anything retro should get. You will not be disappointed.

Hope you guys enjoyed.

God Bless and Be Safe!


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