Happy Father's Day

 Today is a very special day because it is a day where we celebrate the tough job of being a father. Which to be perfectly honest, I do not think Fathers out there get enough credit for how tough of a job it is to be a father especially in today's world.

But not the less, I personally want to say Thank you to my Father for always being there because not all of us are blessed to have their father there or even a father figure in their lives.

One of the things I am very thankful for my dad was my love of music. You see it was my dad who got me into listening to rock music like ACDC, Metallica, etc. I remember being a little kid when my dad would take me and my brothers over to  stay at our Nan and Pap's house when he went to work and he would let us listen to his ACDC cassette tape the whole way down. I miss those times!

Another thing that I am forever grateful from my father was the ability to think things over before acting upon them. With how crazy the world is, my dad would always tell me to think over the situation before making a choice and more importantly accept the fact that not everybody will agree with my decisions. But that it also means that they don't hate me and that despite our differences, we can still work together to reach a common goal in life. Thank you for that Father!

The biggest things I am grateful for my Father is some of the things that he went through that I didn't realize or fully understood as a child. One of which was how he would go to work at Manedge and get injured on a couple of occasions. As a child it scared me that he had to go through some tough things just to help put food on the table. I certainly couldn't physically be able to do what he did that's for sure.

Which leads me to the another issue at hand when it comes to my father and it was something I hadn't really thought about till recent years. You see, as I have mentioned before, me and my twin brother Chad deal with Cerebral Palsy and Scoliosis. I always talked about how I felt bad for my Mother because she blames herself for what happened to us. But I never really looked at it from my Dad's perspective. I can't even imagine how my father felt when the doctors explained to them about how their two young kids are going to have to deal with this for their entire lives.

Honestly I think he has handled it better than I ever could. But at the same time, I feel horrible for him because it must be hard for him to be able to be father to two children who deal with these issues and not be able to really help them. Much like my mother, they didn't exactly tell my dad what to do about the situation either. But also like my mother, me and Chad DO NOT BLAME our father for any of this. I just wish neither one of them had to go through all of this. But again, it is all a part of a greater plan.

But I just want you to know Father that I truly do love you and I am truly grateful for everything you have done for me, Chad and Cody in our lives. I do wish I could be a better son, but I pray that someday, I will make you proud of me as I am proud to call you my Father. God Bless and you!

And God Bless to all the other Fathers in world. 

Until next time! God Bless and Be Safe! 🙏🙏🙏


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