B-Movies Rule!

  For those that do not understand the term B-Movie, it is a type of movie that was low budget. These are not the big Hollywood kind of movies. A lot of these movies were not necessary the best of quality but I always appreciate the effort a lot of them put into these movies.

In fact, if it weren't for some of these indy movies, we all would never get to witness great actors like John Wayne, Jack Nicholson, Pam Grier, Vincent Price, Karen Black, Bela Lugosi, Eddie Constantine, Bruce Campbell and Bruce Lee.

Speaking of Bruce Lee, one of the genres that is a constant in b-movies is the martial arts movies. Another big one is horror films and also the biker genre has also been a consistent theme.

Such movies like Foxy Brown, The Wild Angels, Halloween and the Andy Sidaris movie series, just to name a few have made big names for themselves. Many other films had such low budgets but sometimes have made millions of dollars which is crazy but amazing at the same time.

It is kind of the biggest reasons to why I watch and support these movies because being from a small town I always loved seeing people make it big and live out their dreams.

Yes a lot of these movies are awful and make no sense what so ever. But, to hear and see people talk about how much fun it was and the impact it has made on their lives is really great to know. People like Roger Corman that many people have given credit to help many independent movies popular and gave many people their chance to live out their dreams whether it be writers, actors/actresses and directors.

Thanks to the internet, I get to watch a lot of these old movies and even see some of the up and coming channels like Bat in The Sun and other indy stuff on youtube making either fan films or their own stuff which is always amazing to watch.

Enjoy these movies!


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