
  Ah yes! One of the biggest parts of my childhood. The little collectible creatures that can be used to help you become the greatest trainer of all time. POKEMON!

Holy crap does this ever bring back memories! I remember like it was yesterday when myself along with my twin brother Chad and some of our friends watching the anime series. When we weren't watching the anime, we were playing the pokemon card game. Then when we weren't playing the card game, we were playing the video games! And every single one of them was such a joy to play.

One of the things I had found interesting when I was doing some research for my blog was the fact that Pokemon creator Satoshi Tajiri was inspired by his childhood hobby of collecting insects. But when he lost those opportunities due to the habitats being paved over, he decided to use this opportunity to create a video game to have kids enjoy collecting things like he did during his younger days.

I say Tajiri did an amazing job of that success as Pokemon launched in 1996 and since then, it has become one of the most successful franchises of all time!

I remember watching Ash in the original series and never stopped being a fan of Pokemon ever since. Being a little kid I played a lot of Pokemon blue version on my gameboy along with many other kids at school. 

I played a lot of other different pokemon games as like Pokemon stadium, pokemon silver, pokemon colosseum, etc.

I myself prefer to use water type pokemon as my main choice in the beginning of each pokeman game. In my humble opinion, Squirtle is simply the best! A simple fact that my twin brother Chad and his Charmander can't seem to understand lol 😂

But all kidding aside, I was six years old when Pokemon first started. I am now 33 years old and to see how far Pokemon has come and is still bringing joy to a lot people makes me very proud to see it. I hope and pray that it will continue to bring joy and happiness to people like it did for me when I was younger for many more years to come.

Congrats to Tajiri and the Pokemon crew!


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