People Don't Understand Me. And That Is Okay!

 Been doing a lot of self-reflection recently mainly because I have been dealing with a lot of mental burnout. Going through this made me realize something very important, and that is not everybody is going to get or understand me. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Since the month of May is dedicated to Mental Health Awareness, I thought I'd share a little story. You see, I do not necessary have the best relationship with my parents a lot of which stems from my issues of Cerebral Palsy and Scoliosis among other things. Deep down I know they love me and I hope and pray that they know that I love them but we just don't really click.

In fact, I can say the same about a lot of people in my life. I just don't have a good ability to connect with other people. I have a tough time with wondering if people will ever get me or if I am ever going to be good enough for them.

But as time has past, I have come know that it is alright if people don't get me and what I am all about. However, that doesn't mean that they don't love me.

I am saying all of this because there is a growing fear of mine especially when it comes to mental health because I am noticing a lot of people become more and more aggressive when it comes to having people accept you as who you are.

It kind of feels as though that people are trying to force others to understand and accept them or they think that they hate them or they become hateful towards them if that makes any sort of sense.

And I hate to be the barer of bad news, but it is impossible for people to truly understand who you are as a human being. But again, that does not mean that they don't love you because they do, those people may just not know how to express it.

With that being said, just know that there are people who will try to understand you and just simply can't and still know they do love you and truly show appreciation to those who do understand and accept you for who you are.

There are still things I myself am currently going through at the time of me writing this blog post, that I am trying to figure out. Hopefully soon I am be more open about those inner struggles. And when I do decide to talk about it. I hope and pray you will all understand, and if not, that is okay! I love you all anyway!

So to everyone out there that is struggling mentally with concerns about what other people are thinking. Don't allow yourself to become angry and hateful towards them because they do love you and you are loved.

Until Next Time!

God Bless and Be Safe Everybody! 🙏🙏🙏


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