One Year Anniversary! Love You All!

 Wow! Um, I really don't know how to really start with this blog honestly. I um, I guess I start by just saying thank you to every single one of you who has supported me in my blog. I still find it very hard to believe that it has already been a year now since I launched this blog and the journey has been amazing to say the least. And I am forever grateful for all who has joined me on this ride.

When I first decided to launch this blog, I must admit that I was incredibly nervous. I know shocking right lol. But it was mainly because I was opening up my writing and finally pushing myself creatively and really trying to make it as a writer. More importantly, I was opening myself up to all of you as well with many different topics. Many of which I never thought I would even want to talk about with such things like self harming. And yet here we are.

This blog really has been a blessing in disguise for me and I thank you God for that. It has made me write so much and help keep whatever sanity I have left. It pushed to me to write my first book Thoughts Of A Sheltered Mind on Amazon. And I look forward to continue to do more projects in the future.

I am also extremely grateful for the nearly 3,000 views that I have gotten on my blog since its debut and I am praying to keep this going and build upon it. And I pray that you will all be there with me.

I am pleased to announce that there will be a few new changes happening to the Joshua Yoder Blog. I will continue to be more open and honest about how I feel about things and hopefully that you will all understand what I am going through. I do admit that I am still a little scared about sharing these things, but I also believe that this will help me grow stronger physically, emotionally, mentally and most importantly, spiritually. 🙏🙏🙏

Another change to my blog is I plan to combine all four of my blogs together into one big blog. Main reason it is hard to keep up with all of them and plus, I feel as though people maybe having trouble finding my posts and things getting mixed up. Which is okay, but I will be adding sport stories, music, nerdy stuff over to here and continue to add poems and short stories to my main blog.

Also I will being adding old blog posts from these blogs into the main blog as well so people will be able to look them up and read them without any confusion.

I am looking forward to see how year number two will be for me and my blog and I once again thank the Lord for all of you who have supported me throughout this incredible spiritual journey and I pray that you will continue to be with me as I continue to find myself and be more open to all of you.

I also want to continue to use this blog as a way to help others who are going through similar issues. Because we all are searching for inner peace and be closer to God. And I continue to pray for all of us.

Thank You All so, so much! This really means a lot to me and I hope and pray that all of you will find your happiness. Have faith, because it truly is a beautiful. No matter how dark things may seem, there is always light that can shine over us.

God Bless and Be Safe! I love you all! 🙏🙏🙏


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