Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

  Talk about having an impact on your life, the argument could be made that one of, if not the most influential shows back in the day was none other than the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers!

The show made its debut back on August 28, 1993 airing on Fox and things were never going to be the same for me ever again.

Power Rangers was a action, adventure, science fiction story that was set in a fictional city of Angel Grove, California. The series began as two astronauts on a moon mission mistakenly freed an evil space witch named Rita Repulsa who then went to attack the earth where a sage named Zordan who was the reason why Rita and her minions were trapped for 10,000 years, became aware of Rita escaping and along with his robot assistant Alpha 5 set a plan in motion to call upon five teenagers and turn them into the ultimate fighting force. AKA the Power Rangers.

Jason the Red Ranger (Leader)

Zack the Black Ranger

Kimberly the Pink Ranger

Trini the Yellow Ranger (RIP)

Billy the Blue Ranger

Man this show was so fun! One of the reasons why I really enjoyed it and part of the reason why I love Sci-fi was the giant fighting robots! They were called zords and when they were combined, they formed the Megazord. Which was even cooler! 

I always remember when me my twin brother Chad would sit with our cereal and watch the show all the time. The cool weapons, the zords, the cool suits, etc.

As the series would continue, we were introduced to Tommy (RIP) who became the Green Ranger and then later the White Ranger. Also new rangers like Rocky, Adam, Aisha and Kat.

Another part of the series I really enjoyed was the concept of how everybody who came from different backgrounds were able to come together to reach a common goal.

The originally series went three seasons and never looked back. Since the show began back in 1993, there have been several different ranger teams who come together to fight evil.

There was also three different movies, video games, comic books, heck there was even a table top series called Hyperforce which was quite entertaining.

As I mentioned earlier, Power Rangers was so special to me because it helped shape me into how I try to look at the world and it introduce me to different cultures and how despite our differences, we can come together and save the world.

This show also got me into Martial Arts like Karate, Kung Fu, Kickboxing, Tai Chi, Tae Kwon Do. And it was one of the biggest reasons why I love mecha anime or any other sci-fi shows or movies that involve giant fighting robots or space ships or other worlds. It really made me wonder what could be out there in the universe.

Because of the Power Rangers, I try to do my very best when it comes to working with other people and getting to know them personally and try to learn how they see the world and try to find something in common with me.

I feel like these guys and gals don't get effort credit to how I feel the world needs to be. I feel like we live in a world where everyone are so concerned with our differences than we have in common. Which in my humble opinion, we all have way more in common than some like to admit.

I can't thank all of them enough for how much they've inspired me and many others. I can't believe that it has been over thirty years since their debut and came out on Netflix with the special Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger which I really enjoyed. I enjoyed it so much that I will probably write about it another time.

Thank you again Power Rangers!

🙏🙏🙏 God Bless and Be Safe!


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