Mental Health And The Arts!

 There has been a general concern that I have been having for a long time now and I am afraid about writing this. However, like I had mentioned before, I do not want to have fear run my life which is why I am writing about this.

As I have written in the past I have talked about how writing stories, poems, this blog among many other artistic things have really helped me get through a lot of my depression and anxiety. Creating stories and characters have really brought some joy into my life and has let me get stuff out of my head that I once thought would never be able to come out.

But now I fear that storytelling along with several other forms of art are now being under attack. I've seen a lot whether it be from mainstream media, social media, whatever the case, I have seen many people get attacked for expressing their art.

Now do some people use their art to attack other people, of course. But that is not always the case though. You see, one of the reasons I was so scared to show off my writing to people was because of being attacked or mocked by people who weren't trying to understand me or that I was being hateful when I wasn't.

Even though I managed to work up the courage of publishing my first book Thoughts Of A Sheltered Mind a couple months ago. I still worried about how people are going to look at me whenever they read it. But I always have to remind myself that even if they don't necessarily like a poem or story I have written, does not mean that they hate me.

And that is the concern that I have for many people who are struggling with mental health issues like myself, art has been one of many places where we can feel at peace or that we are truly safe to be ourselves. However many of us get absolutely bombarded with hateful comments and act like we were trying to start something or have an agenda when we really didn't.

Most of us just want to feel as though as we can just write what makes us happy and hopefully have other people enjoy them also.

Now on the flip side of this, I know for a fact that there will be people who look at some of my writing and be like wow, that I was really weird, I'm not really into this. And that is okay. Because some people are just not into the same genres as I am or they simply do not understand what I meant by that and again, that does not mean they hate me.

Sure it sucks that not everyone will like what I write or do. But it just means that I just show more appreciation to those who do get it. Heck! Even the ones who didn't like my one story or be my biggest fans in another story I write.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I want others who are struggling with mental health like myself. Please understand that not everybody is going to like and or understand what you are trying to do with your art. So I know this is easier said than done, but please do not hurt yourselves over this. Believe me, I've done it more times than I like to admit.

And for others who don't get what I am trying to say, please try to communicate with someone who is struggling and encourage them with their art even if you don't like it yourself. But also please try and understand the person before you make judgement, because more often than not, it is never what you think it is.

Love You All Always!

God Bless and Be Safe Everyone! 🙏🙏🙏


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