Tribute To My Pap

This coming Thursday will be April 25, 2024. On one hand, I will be getting to watch the up and coming NFL Draft. But before I go and do that, I will be going to remembering one of my favorite people who was in my life and brought me a lot of amazing memories. And that was my Pap.

It is very hard to believe that it has been over twenty years since the surprising death of Pap. To this very day it still stings a bit looking back on his untimely death mainly because I was so young when he past away.

April 25, 2000 will always be a day of sorrow personally. I remember it like it was yesterday, Me and my twin brother Chad were only nine years old and along with our older brother Cody, had just came home from School when we were quickly brought into the house by my parents.

I will never forget the look on my mother's face, she seemed so pale. I remember she sat us down on the couch and told us that Pap had a big heart attack and was rushed to the hospital and even worse, he didn't make it.

Just thinking about it now makes me want to cry and just seeing him laying there inside his coffin so lifeless just really breaks my heart.

But I want to remember the good times that I had with my Pap. Because to me, he was such a goofball lol. He would always have jokes or act silly around me, my brothers and the other grandchildren. Personally I think now that I am older I believe he was just trying to annoy my Nan with some of his jokes 😂

I remember riding in a trailer while he pulled us with the tractor around the woods near his and Nan's house. I also enjoyed spending time with him and Nan during the yard sales around the street they had lived on and he would always have stuff from Dunkin.

Obviously I can not speak for the other grand kids but I think it is safe to say that he is really missed. My Pap was a Korean War Veteran and when he had past away, a flag was given to my Nan. Then went she past away, his flag was the very first thing I went after to collect. Heck! To be perfectly honest, my Pap's flag was really the only thing that I truly wanted and I got it. 😁. To this very day I have his flag sitting on a shelf near where I sleep so no matter what, I feel like my Pap is always with me.

Salute to all Military Veterans! 🫡

Again, it does still sucks not having him around, but that is a part of life and I felt sorry for my parents. I would had hated having to explain to a young nine year old that someone you loved dearly is gone and is never coming back. I honestly don't know if I could have ever done that! Love ya Mother and Love ya Father.

God Bless you Pap! Miss You Always and Praying to meet with you and Nan again someday. ❤

Love You All! God Bless and Be Safe! 🙏🙏🙏


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