Are We All Growing A Part?

 In a previous blog I had written about wanting to be true to myself and to be able to be among other people and find a sense of belonging and closeness that I have been looking for, for a very long time now.

However I often wonder in my head if it is too late for me to be able to do that because I feel as though everyone in the world is drifting a part from each other.

I say this for a couple different reasons. Number 1, technology, with the rise of the internet that started in the mid-90s people seem more interested with stuff online than what is happening in the real world. Everywhere I go now, people seem to be on their phones so much even if they are at a public area or event.

Which is weird to me because I remember my father would always make fun of me and my twin brother Chad for playing video games or watching pro wrestling and even anime. But what I think my dad doesn't realize is that when we were little, yes we did play a lot of video games, we were a part of the Pokemon/Digimon Craze where we would be watching the anime shows and also be playing the card games.

With that being said, we still went out and did things whether it be riding bikes around the area, throwing the football around, shooting hoops and playing other fun games outside. The truth is when we were younger we still communicated with one another and used fantasy as a way to ease the stresses of reality. 

The problem nowadays is that people want to use fantasy mainly because they don't want to face the reality. People seem to just go run and hide instead of working together to find a solution that everybody can live with.

Which leads me to my next reason which is accepting differences. I remember growing up my parents would always tell me that everybody is different and that not many people would understand me. Which was very true in so many different ways.

The problem I have been noticing is that for some reason everybody wants to get on each other's throats over anything. Whether it be on social media or on TV, all I ever see anymore are people who act like they are smarter than us and making fun of "THE ENEMY" on certain topics, but I don't see any of them trying to come up with a solution or attempt to actually fix the problem.

And it is even weirder with what people say to one another. Heck if I would have done a 1/16 of what these people have say or done, my parents would have killed me. I can picture it now hearing my Dad tell me "Boy! You know better than that, I didn't rise you to be stupid!"

Truthfully, my parents are right! And now everybody is on edge and it is over one silly little thing. Despite the fact that we have more things in common than we do differences.

Nowadays, you can't say anything without somebody being upset or say your being hateful. Just because somebody disagrees with you does not mean they hate you, nor does it mean your suppose to. 

Even worst, you see one person say something or does something bad, regardless of "your side" everybody just wants to put everyone on that same list.

I am saying all of this because as someone who wants to feel the close connection with people and try to find love. It has become so much harder to find because everywhere I go, I see people telling one another to pick a side or we can't be friends or whatever if you don't agree with everything I believe in. Which is odd to me because it is literally impossible for us to agree on everything and also no one is without sin.

I guess what I am trying to say is can't we all just get along! I want to be part of the SOLUTION! Not the problem.

I pray that I am over thinking all of this but I really want to see this world be better.

God Bless and Be Safe!


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