China Girl Movie 1987 and Interracial Relationships

 As I have slowly try to be more honest with myself and be more open to other people. I wanted to talk about something that I've always wanted to explore, but never really knew how to approach it. And that is interracial relationships. 

To best explain why I am writing about this is a movie I once watched a little while ago, and that movie was called China Girl.

China Girl had came out back in 1987 and was written by Nicholas St. John and was directed by Abel Ferrara.

The story was a contemporary take on the classic story of Romeo and Juliet. The setting of the movie is in Manhattan during the 1980s where we meet Tony, a young man from Little Italy and Tye, a young woman from Chinatown who formed an emotional bond throughout the film.

Another factor that was major part of the movie was that the main characters' brothers were in rival gangs. And also how neither brother wanted them to date one another. 

But both Tony and Tye would continue to see each other in secret and grow more and more intimate with one another despite the constant threats on their lives. It was such a beautiful thing to watch because there were two people who looked past their differences in order to find true love.

I am not going to spoil the entire movie, but I highly recommend watching it. But there is a point to why I am using this movie to talk about something personal in my life. You see, I am not just attracted to white women, I find all women beautiful whether they are black, latina and yes asian women.

It was something I took notice when I was younger but didn't really talk about it. Mainly because I was scared stiff of how people would look at me.

But the older I became, more I was willing to open up about my feeling about being interested in dating a woman from a different race. And to be perfectly honest, it wasn't always pleasant. You see, I would always get these weird stares from people. I am not just talking about one particular group, I mean EVERYBODY. 

Honestly, I don't know what I did wrong, I do not see what is wrong with me wanting to date someone from another race. It kind of put me in an interesting bind for a long time.

I never even told my parents about all of this for a long time either because I didn't want to cause a problem with them about it. 

Thankfully, when I did finally told them about it, I was so happy to hear that neither one of them gave a crap about it. Especially my mother who was more worried about me being taken advantage of by a woman. If she only knew lol.

But regardless, that is why I really enjoyed this movie because I can relate to it completely. I felt bad for both Tony and Tye who were being attacking on both sides when they only wanted to be with each other. You saw throughout the movie how bad sides were being incredibly hateful to each other while they looked past that and wanted to find love. It truly was a powerful story that is needed to this very day.

With Valentine's Day coming soon, I pray that we all can find that special someone regardless of what they look like. And I pray that I will find something like that soon.

Love you all!

God Bless and Be Safe!


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