All I Want For Christmas Is A Peace Of Mind

 I wanted to express a concern of mine, not just about myself, but for all of us. You see, to me Christmas is about celebrating Jesus and bringing good will to each other and I still believe in those values.

But I would be lying if I said things haven't been a little rough for me lately these last few days. However, it is not just with my own stuff mentally, physically and spiritually. But with what I am seeing in the world around me and my concern that things aren't getting any better.

Now some of you may think I am talking crazy or over thinking things and maybe I am. But nobody can deny that there is something off in the world right now.

My main concern is that society is falling apart and worst off no one seems interested in helping. People would always tell me that it is a different time or things change, you just have to change with it.

However, the only problem I have with that is those same people who tell me these things are the exact same people who run around like a chicken with its head cut off and acting so shocked that things are getting worse.

Even weirder, is when somebody asked me or anyone else for an opinion on a subject or an idea on how to fix something. We tell them the truth and they just simply brush it off.

Now I am not trying to cause a full scale panic or ruin anyone's positive vibes. But I feel like people say this simply because they don't want to deal with the issue. They won't worry about it unless it affects themselves which may happen sooner than later. It just sort of feels like trying to live life in the fast lane and look to avoid the problem.

You guys have no idea how badly I PRAY that I am wrong about all this! Because we should all be loving each other and working to create a better world for all of us.

I truly believe that this is what Jesus wants us to do. Because he made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us.

I mean, just seeing how people are to each other, fighting over every little thing possible. I can't even take five seconds on anything on the news anymore because they only seemed interested in just stirring the pot more.

I just don't understand all of this. 

What ever happened with finding a problem and coming together and working on creating the solution?

It just feels as though people rather pick sides and just fight each other with nobody really winning anything.

I pray for all of us and that every single one of you have a very safe and blessed Christmas this year. 🙏🙏🙏

And I will continue to pray that one day we can all find what we are looking for in life and that we can all find our inner peace.

God Bless and Be Safe!


  1. I feel that way too sometimes. There are people out their that are trying to help. Believe me its hard for me to see it sometimes and I too overthink things, but hope to god that things will be better. Love my twin be safe


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