The 2003-2004 Lewistown Lady Panthers Basketball Team

 As we all get ready for some winter sports this coming season, I quickly realized something. This coming girls basketball of 23-24 will mark 20 years since the 04 Lady Panthers made it all the way to the State Finals.

Now I obviously was not in High School yet when this was happening, I was still in Strodes Mills. But what I remember about this squad was the simple that my big brother Cody was finishing up his High School career and it was he who was creating videos throughout the season for the Lady Panthers.

This is important because looking back on it, it showed how much Cody loved making these cool sports videos which later became his career in life. So I thought I go back down memory lane a bit.

I was in the seventh grade during this magical time and I enjoyed every single of it. 

There were seven seniors on the team that season which included the likes of Andrea Kauffman, Alicia Espigh, Nikki Hartsock, Kellyn Knable, Alicia Rupert, Jessica Reed and Katy Kodish. There are also plenty of talented underclassmen as well like juniors Jenny Cunningham, Brittany Stauffer, Emily Searer and Rachel Griffith, sophomore Jenna Craig and freshman Britteny Casner. 

Leading the program at the time was long time Lady Panthers head coach Kevin Kodish. Coach Kodish was joined by assistant coaches James Fosselman and Charles Funk along with Scorekeeper Lonnie Griffith. Vance Varner was the Principal at the time and the athletic director was Richard Keefer.

The Lady Panthers compiled a (28-3) overall record and the 03-04 Lady Panthers also won the Mountain League championship and a District title that season. Another interesting fact I learned about this team was that it was continuing the streak of making the State playoffs that was started back in 1995. Overall the Lady Panthers went to 11 straight PIAA State Playoffs, made 14 out of 15 and then 15 out of 17 years.

But now back to 03-04 😁. What was unique about the season was again I got to witness the season through the work of my older brother Cody. Or as Kodish loved to call him, Codeman25! You see Cody was the video editor to all the girls games and I remember him being so excited about it. He would always love to show off to me and Chad his videos and to be honest, I enjoyed them. But I noticed how much Cody loved doing these also videos. Who knew how much of a career he would make out of it later in life.

As time went on, things about this team was bringing excitement to the people of Lewistown. Of course, I was too young to fully understand how much these ladies were making an impact to the community. And then one day, my family came together and my parents asked me and Chad if we would like to go with and support Cody because the Lady Panthers had made it to the State Finals.

I am so glad I said yes. First of all, the Giant Center was amazing! Second, it was awesome to see so many people out to support the team. The energy got even more electric as we went inside and prepared for the game. 

From what I remembered from the game was how they went down late and slowly began working their way back. Everybody was going absolutely nuts! They came so close, but fell just short finished their incredible season the State Runner Up.

Those ladies have nothing to be ashamed about, they all came in and gave everything they had and that was all anyone can ask for.

I can not believe that it has been 20 years since this happened. Time really flies does it not? Since then Kodish has retired, I got to meet Fosselman a couple times and covered some of his games as the head coach at Juniata High School. And they were always a good time!

I sometimes see Jenny Cunningham around town and like I had mentioned before my big brother Codeman25, is a video editor for CBS sports among other amazing videos.

I don't know what happened with the other ladies, but I would just like to say where ever you are and whatever you are doing. Thank you so much for an amazing season. God Bless you all!

And God Bless every single one of you! Have a good day!

Here is a link to the video that my brother made on youtube!


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