Thank You Veterans!

 This weekend is a very special weekend because we are honoring the men and women of the United States military. And that day is called Veterans Day.

Veterans Day is when we honor all of those who have served our country overseas threw many different wars throughout history.

This day is special to me because one of my biggest influences on my life was my Pap who served during the Korean War.

Another reason why it is so special in my humble opinion, is that it reminds us all that there are people out there who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice just so we all can try and live a simple life.

I can't even imagine what any member of the military goes through on a daily basis because they are all walking out into a scary situation that they may or may not come back from. My heart goes out to anyone who has loved ones who are currently serving as well. 

However, there is something I wanted to talk about a little bit. It saddens me greatly that there are plenty of our veterans out there who are currently struggling to fit back into "Normal" society. Many of them have a very tough time adjusting and a lot of them have no place to go to in times of need.

So if any of us see a Veteran please let them know that they are loved and appreciated. We can never truly understand what they go through after times of war, but at the same time we can not allow them to feel that they are alone in this world.

So to any veteran out there who is struggling, there is hope and that you are loved. 

And to anyone who never faced war or any kind of combat please go and talk to a veteran and learned about what they went through because in my humble opinion, we all need to be grateful to everybody who served because without them, we all may not be able to live out our dreams.

God Bless to all the veterans out there. I pray for all of you that you can find that inner peace! 🙏🙏🙏

God Bless and Be Safe everyone! Enjoy your Veterans Day!


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