I Love You Always Nan!

 Today is a sad day for me and my family because 13 years ago on Nov. 15 2010, I lost one of the most important people in my life. And that was my Nan.

What made my Nan so special to me was her unconditional love and kindness. Heck! I couldn't say no to the woman lol. Every time me and my twin brother Chad would go down to her house to see her and mow her lawn, Nan would always asked us if we wanted her to make some shells and cheese and of course we both said no. But as soon as we finished up, we would just simply walk into her house and there she be making shells and cheese in the kitchen telling us that it was almost ready. I miss those times.

Another reason I loved her was how I try to live my life like hers. Now I wasn't born and raised during the great depression like she and my Pap did. Through a lot of her hardships, she still choose to be loving  and I will always admire that about her.

In fact, I often wonder how I would have turned out in my life if I didn't have my Nan in my life. Would I have become so bitter and filled with hatred, would I have absolutely no relationship with my Mother and Father. I remember every time I questioned if my parents ever loved me, it would always be my Nan who would protect me from such evil thoughts.

Anytime I would even be angry whether it was at my parents, brothers or whatever, all my Nan had to do to help calm myself down and relax was to just kiss me on the cheek and tell me that she loves me and it would all my frustrations would go away.

I always enjoyed going down to visit her, some days I wish I didn't have to leave. Of course I remember my Nan only watching three shows every time I saw her. Those were Guiding Light, Price is Right and the 700 club.

I remember when I was little, we use to stay at her house the day before the local yard sales and help sell or find some amazing stuff all while eating dunkin donuts lol.

Two more memories really stick out in my mind when I think about my Nan came during one of the darkest times in my life and that was High School. The first one was when it was Senior Day for our local Baseball team then we were known as the Lewistown Panthers (Now Mifflin County Huskies). We were sitting in the dugout getting ready when my twin brother Chad came in and asked me to come up the hill with him because somebody wanted to see me. And as I walked up the hill, I saw my Nan sitting on a chair all wrapped up to stay. At this point in her life, my Nan didn't really go out much cause of the cold weather and to see her there on my Senior Day still brings a tear to my eyes even as I am writing this.

The another one came nearing the end of my Senior year as we were all getting ready to graduate. To be perfectly honest with all of you guys. Me and Chad did not want to go to it. We just kind of wanted to stay home. But then my Nan went, it would be so nice to see all my grandchildren graduate. I think you all know what happened next 😂.

Lord knows how much, I wish someone like her could have lived on forever. But we all know that is never the case.

The day she died left a huge hole in my heart and to this very day, it still haunts me seeing her laying there in that casket.

I will never forget you Nan! I love you always and I thank God for time I had with you.

Always love one another, because you never know when they will not be around anymore.

God Bless and Be Safe everybody!🙏🙏🙏 


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