
 One of my personal favorite holidays I always enjoy throughout my life has been the spookiest time of the year, Halloween.

To be honest with all of you, I can say that I enjoy the whole month of October lol. Throughout this entire month is nothing but horror movies like Friday the 13th, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street and of course the classics like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolfman, Hocus Pocus, Casper, etc.

Another fun activity that we all get to do around this entire month is heading out and finding some costumes to wear for treat or treating whether it be for yourself or getting to take the kids out and getting candy. I know that was my favorite part growing up as kid.

But the biggest reason why I love Halloween is the simple fact that it is the one time of the year where I can honestly feel like I can be myself. I never felt "normal" my whole life and never really fit in with anyone and every time October came around I kind of feel like I can be normal for once. If that is even possible for someone like me.

Some fun stuff that I have learned about Halloween. One such thing was according to a lot of scholars in Christianity that the word Halloween comes from All Hallows Eve which will happen on October 31 before All Hallows Day (All Saints Day) on November 1 and then All Souls Day on November 2.

During these days, the church dedicate their time in remembrance of the dead which includes all the Saints, Martyrs and the faithful departed. Which reminds me to pray to all of those who are no longer with us and I pray you and your love ones. Some even leave lit candles at the graves of loved ones.

Speaking of which, I also would love to be able to speak to the dead, one because I would love to speak to lost love ones like my Nan and Pap because I miss them dearly. But also I would love to be able to learn from the past as well because I truly believe that it can help with our future and to make it better. This is just my humble opinion.

I also learned that a lot of these customs had come from Ireland as well as Scotland when immigrants came from both countries back in the 19th century.

 To everyone out there and to anyone that is reading this. I hope and pray that you all have a safe and fun Halloween this year! God Bless and Be Safe!


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