Stevie Richards Tribute

 In my humble opinion, one of the most underrated professional wrestlers of all-time in Stevie Richards aka the Master of the Stevie Kick, the leader of the greatest faction of all-time in the Blue World Order.

Richards got his big break in Extreme Championship Wrestling back in the 90s and got to work with incredible wrestlers many of which were some of the biggest names in the business. Such names like Mick Foley, Terry Funk (RIP), Raven, Tommy Dreamer, The Road Warriors (RIP), Shane Douglas.

The first time I got to witness Stevie however was when he competed in WCW along with Raven and the rest of the Flock. Of course, most of my memories came from WWE and TNA. Richards got to do some memorable moments like the Right to Censor faction, Stevie Night Heat and of course the Blue World Order reunion. Thanks to the internet, I got to witness some of his early stuff and in humble opinion, the bWo still holds up to this very day.

I got to meet Stevie Richards while I was working with CPW as a referee. We were working at our local fire department in town. I was always nervous when it came to meeting any of the big names that we were to bring to our shows.

However, Stevie was so cool to everyone in the locker room and was incredibly professional and was teaching us a lot about eating healthy and happy to answer any questions we had for him.

In fact, eating healthy was how we ended up introduce to one another. You see Stevie was looking for the local groceries store, looking for stuff to make his health shake. For some weird reason, I spoke up and told him that the local Giant store was near by. The next thing I know was I given the task of going shopping with Stevie Richards.

My mind was going crazy. I was so nervous about hanging around Stevie and to be honest, I think he noticed it. Throughout our time grabbing some healthy treats, Stevie was extremely fun to talk to. In fact, he just seem to genuinely to want to get to know a little bit about me. Stevie is such a down to earth guy and here I was just being  extremely awkward. It didn't take him long to figure out that I had no self-esteem whats so ever.

What happened next completely changed my mindset. When we returned to the building we all got ready for the show and Stevie and I were still talking a little bit before the show and I will never forget this for as long as I live. Stevie said to me that he was going to show me how good I can be and went up to requested me as his referee for his match. My jaw completely hit the floor. This guy has been in every major professional wrestling companies in the world. And now he wants to help some scrub like myself.

In my mind, I had no business being in the ring with someone of Stevie's stature. I was just a lowly peasant who isn't going anywhere in life and yet Richards went out of his way to help me with my confidence. My knees never felt so heavy in my entire life. I was so scared cause I did not want to let him down.

Then the match happened and I had so much fun in that match refereeing for Stevie. He made it so simple and made sure everybody involved in the match was on the same page. It was amazing! I couldn't thank Stevie enough for that.

I was able to work with him again at a later show and it was so good to see him again and referee his match again and again he was super supportive of everybody.

From that point on, it became a goal of mind to actually get into the ring with Stevie and have an actually match with him. I guess it would have been my way of saying thank you to him for all that he has done for me during my time in pro wrestling.

Unfortunately, chances are that will never happen. With how things are for me and Stevie's health scare recently which I have been constantly praying for him to have a speedy recovery. The match will probably never happen as much as I would love to have one more match. If I could, I be honored if it could be against Stevie.

I can not thank Stevie enough for what he has done for me. How he should me how to be confidence in the ring, but just in life in general. I really don't know if this blog can ever really showcase how much I love and appreciate how amazing Stevie Richards has been for me.

Not just me, but for many other people. You see Stevie has his own fitness company (Stevie Richards Fitness) where he has help so many people. Richards also has a pair of different youtube channels where one talks about the fitness industry while the another is where he analysis professional wrestling. Both are amazing!

I truly am blessed to have met Stevie Richards and I pray nothing but the best for him and the rest of the Blue World Order. Shameless plug, I also recommend watching the Mind of the Meanie Podcast as well. 😁💙

Thank you so much Stevie. God Bless and Be Safe!


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