The Heavenly Blues

I race through the beautiful fields filled with pretty blue flowers, guided by the warmth of the sunshine. It is a reminder to me that no matter what happens in life, that God is always there and that everything is going to be just fine.

Throughout my journey I witnessed the presence of a beautiful blue butterfly in the sky. It was almost like she was there to say hi.

She spoke to me with a voice so sweet and innocent. The kind of voice that just makes you want to smile and makes you feel that no matter what that you are relevant.

Smile dear child she says to me as she sits upon my shoulder. She reminds me to keep moving forward no matter what happens in life as I grow older.

But she understands and tells me that it is okay to be scared because the world can be scary. Yet she loves us like she was my mother and her name was Mary.

The smell of the flowers always seem to bring a smile on my face. God only knows how much I never won't to leave this wonderful place.

Alas, it is time for me to go back and face the world that has become so dark and cold. But I now face it with a strong sense of purpose to be brave and bold.

Staring up into the heavens I pray that this day never ends. Knowing full well that I must go and be with those who I call my friends.

For we all need to have love in our my minds and in out hearts and to playing each other like we are nothing more than a toy. Because the tears we need to have, are tears of joy.

Because no matter where we are whether it be in a store, the park, or just simply sitting on your roof. There is no greater love than God' Truth.


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