Somewhere I can Belong

 Ever wonder where you actually fit in this world? Like no matter how hard you try, you just never seem truly happy?

Living in a world where nothing makes sense anymore. Anytime you feel like you made some progress, you only end up falling flat on your face.

Truth is, I never really found that in my own life and I am not alone in it that search. Many of us have either struggled or ever had the opportunity to really found out who they are and what they are meant to do in this world.

For multiple reasons this happens. But I truly believe there is something out there for everyone even if we don't see it. I mean we all crave to be a part of something bigger than ourselves and wonder what all is out there.

That is why I always try my best in no only what I want to do with my life, but also to encourage others who are going through the same thing. I don't like seeing people suffer and unfortunately there are a lot of people going through that.

The question I always seem to wonder about is what am I to do in this world? And how can I use this gift to help those around me? 

Finding where you belong isn't just about dealing with finding out who you are in this world. But finding people who can help you on your journey.

Now that doesn't mean the people who are in your life right now are bad people. They just may not be the ones you need to get you where you need to go.

With that being said, I am forever grateful for all those experiences in my life. Some good, some bad, but ultimately a key point in terms of learning.

Though I wish, that I had a group of friends that I can be with all the time. But that is just not how life works sometimes. 

Now to be fair, there are good and bad to this, some could be friends who say they are but are not. However others who care but are currently going through their own stuff.

I guess what I am trying to say is that be thankful for whoever you have in your life. Even if that person is only in your life for a second. Feel blessed that you had that person for one second in you life because that one second could make all the difference.

Another reason many of us struggle is the fact that we are all into different things. In my case, I knew people from all walks of life and again, I am thankful for them all. I knew someone from all different cliques or other circles if you will. Some may not necessarily get along with someone from your other group of friends but you can still love them.

But ultimately where I felt I struggled the most when it came to trying to fit in, was the simple fact of me dealing with my mental health and to be frank, I am extremely socially awkward. I have a miserable time trying to have a conversation with anyone and I have moments where I feel like I am creeping people out.

And that is what I am trying to do recently, is to finally break out of my shell. But more importantly, I am praying that this will help others who are also trying to found their way give them the strength and courage to be open and found what makes them happy and also to find their purpose in life because we all have a purpose and a role to play in this world.

Also I pray for anyone who is struggling to fit in. I want you guys to know that there are people out there who love you and what to see you succeed. And even if the people who are in your life don't seem to understand or even disagree with you, that doesn't necessarily mean that they hate you. They still love you and support.

I hope and pray that for anyone who is reading this that is going through this or knows someone who is going through a tough time that they will found their purpose and their happy. God Loves Us All and wants the best for us.

I love you all!

God Bless and Be Safe!


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