The struggle is real

 It feels as though I live in a world of constant sorrow. Not even sure if I want to wake up and face tomorrow.

Yet something is dragging me through each and every day. I often wonder why because I don't see anything special about me but no one can say.

Is this a sign from above? Is this a gift of divine love?

There is so many people around me but yet, I feel so alone. What am I suppose to do? I'm not even sure what is even true.

I live with constant anxiety and the struggle is real. I can't stop wondering what is my appeal. I just see myself as no big deal.

Honestly there have been plenty of days where my mind is racing that I don't even know if I should smile or frown. All I can do is just try and settle and pray my mind calms down.

To this day, I can't find out why I am this way but there is something calming me with a divine feel. But truth be told, the struggle is real.


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