The Need for Mental Stability

 As they all say, the world is changing. But for some, it maybe changing too much and or too quickly for them to keep up with. I am certainly one of those people.

Things have changed around me so many times in my life, you would think that I would be use to it by now. But honestly, all it really is to me is a reminder of how left out I feel in this crazy world we all live in.

Now to be fair, some of which is my fault because I never really tried to reach out to people, I usually just stick to myself. I don't have a problem with anyone and I don't want to hate anybody, but for one reason or another people always coming in and out of my life.

Honestly, it is kind of a double edged sword for me. Now be prepared to be shock cause I am about to say something positive about myself 😆. I am proud of the fact that I had a friend in any of the social circles. I didn't care what anybody was regardless of beliefs, etc. I just wanted people to feel safe and that they can be themselves when they are around me cause none of us are perfect, Lord knows that.

However, never really had a set group of friends on my own. I would just hangout with people and then be done with it.

But this constant head spinning also has affected me in more than just my social life. It has affected me when it comes to work and just the overall understanding of the world itself.

Like for example, cell phones, holy crap there is so much you can do with them. Heck, to this day I would hear people say about this and that and I am just like HUH! 😐 It is pretty embarrassing and I feel stupid because I wish I could communicate like they do, but I just feel so confused about these things.

One of the other things that drive me insane is the fact that I would constantly have to be reminded of things. No matter how times someone has explained to me about anything, I always end up messing up something and is so ANNOYING!

For an example, my father and I would change the oil and rotate my tires on my vehicle. I have been doing that with him for many years now. To this day I still can not remember anything he has taught me and it just drives me up the wall angry. 

It brings a lot of anxiety out of me because, I am getting older now and it worries me about how I am able to live in this world.

It is really scary to say the least! But I am just going with faith and just take it one day at a time.

Hope and Pray everyone has a wonderful day

God Bless and Be Safe!


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