Is it ok to write Gothic Romance?

 One of things I usually end up writing about usually involve writing about dark gothic romantic stories. It has been a theme I've been basically writing for most of my life.

Honestly, I found a comfort in this style of writing but I have always seem to fight it as well. I often wonder why I am this way and is it bad?

I pray about it all the time. I recently looked back at some of my old writing and compare it with what I have been currently working on. And to be honest, it has really open my eyes and noticed feelings I didn't think I could have.

I've also noticed how detailed I can be when it comes to some of the things I had written and what currently working on. To be honest, I really enjoy writing it, but I am scared that I am being a weirdo or a creep.

Looking back I realized that one of the reasons why I enjoy writing gothic romance is the fact that I wish I could be like some of the characters I write about and it has really made me notice feelings that I never thought I have.

But there is a problem with all of this. I want to write and publish stories like this, but I am scared with how people will view me especially women. A lot of it comes from what I have dealt with in the past and now that I have been trying to face those issues, it has brought back some feelings and I am trying to handle those issues.

I am not really sure how to explain it, but writing these stories has brought something out of me that I didn't think I had and I want to explore more about these feelings.

For me, I am just trying to find out who I am and more importantly find self-acceptance and love. I pray that God understands because I can't lie to myself but more importantly I can't lie to him.

I wish I had more confidence to be more open with what I am trying to say. Maybe in time. Sorry if I am being weird, but I felt I needed to write about this. Hopefully as I continue on this journey, I will finally understand and have the confidence to be more open.

God Bless and Be Safe!


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