The Search through the Darkness!

 This world I live in, I do not know. The darkness is a common and yet, a fierce foe.

Depression is all over my mind. I can't ever seem to just laid back and unwind.

My world is crumbling. Everytime I try to take a step, I just end up stumbling.

Why am I such a failure? I feel completely torn. I am ashamed to admit, that there are days that I wish I was never been born.

No matter how hard I try, I can never build up my confidence. Heading away from the world has been my only defense.

God please help me! I don't know what to do! I have some much racing through my mind, it just makes me feel blue.

I'm not even sure what I am trying to do to be honest with you. I just me to be me and forever stay true blue.

I'm sorry to everyone who has gotten to know me. I feel like they just want to get away from me and flee.

There is a long road ahead of me and I will try my best to stay positive. I just pray that I can avoid all things that are negative.

These thoughts I always seem to be fighting them again. But I thank God for sending me the protection of a Blue Dragon.

As always, I pray for forgiveness of sin. As I continue to search for that loving dose of serotonin.


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