Forevermore says the raven

 As I lay awake this cold and dark night. Can’t sleep and I have tried with all my might. I peer out into the darkness and see nothing in sight.

It is the same feeling that I feel inside my heart, so cold and empty. I’ve tried everything I could to fill the void but nothing ever seems to satisfy me.

Am I to wonder in this god forsaken world with no hope forthcoming? Or shall I reduce myself to nothing?

Everywhere I go, I see hopelessness in the eyes of my fellow man. It is a sight I can no longer withstand.

The loneliness in my heart is a pain I do not wish on my worst enemy. No matter how much pain is in front of me.

I lay down and pray to all the angels and the saints to guide me. To the one true being that I pray will find me.

Nothing makes sense in this world and no one here can tell me what is true. So I shall lay here feeling blue.

Somedays, I don't know how I can keep living. I can’t see how I can live a life that is fulfilling.

God only knows the things I truly desire. Yet somehow it makes me feel so inspired.

Are you telling me Lord that everything I am feeling is ok? Or am I making a mistake that will make me rot away?

As I continue on this spiritual journey of mine through the eyes of a raven. I may someday find that safe haven.

I pray that I can find you Lord because I have so many questions with answers I must know. For through this dark world, I truly have no other place to go.

Until that day I will continue on and see what is in store. I pray that you will always be with me, quote the raven, forevermore.


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