
 This is kinda a personal opinion of mine, and that is the Holiday of Thanksgiving is underappreciated in my humble opinion.

The reason I feel this way is because in recent memory, I started to notice that once Halloween is over, everyone just goes straight into Christmas mode.

Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and getting to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, getting to be with family and waking Christmas morning to open presents and stuff. But I feel as though a lot people, not everyone doesn't seem to appreciate what they have.

At times I feel when people don't get what they want, they express hate to one another and act out and harm each other.

We don't always get what we want in life. Heck it says so in the Bible that we fall short and in my humble opinion, that means with anything we all will deal in life.

So lets all just be Thankful for everything that we have in life including each other. Because Lord knows it will not be there forever on this Earth.

I am by no means trying to talk down on anybody, I am simply trying to express a concern to every single one of you out of Love and Compassion.

Try not to look so far ahead, life is about the journey and learning and continuing to move forward. I understand that it is easier said than done, Lord knows I ain't perfect by any stretch of the imagination.

Sometimes I think it's best to just sit down and be Thankful for what we have, instead of all the craziness that is surrounded with all the holiday shopping and that there is more to Life than presents and spending money on things we may not really need. It may also will not last forever, but Love and Compassion will always be there. 

God Bless every single one of you. I hope and Pray that you all have a safe and Loving Thanksgiving.


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