Welcome to the Joshua Yoder Blog

 Hello everyone,

    My name is Joshua Yoder. I am from Mattawana, Pa. One of things I enjoy in my life, is writing. I decided to create this blog to not only help me to continue writing. But also hope to meet new people and hopefully that you guys will enjoy some of the things that I will blog about.

    I must confess, there are so many things that I do enjoy that I plan to write about. But I promise that I will do my best to keep them in their own categories.  

    One of these categories is sports. Which is what I have been doing for Hometown Sports which is a magazine/website based in Bellefonte, Pa. I have covered high school and college sports. I enjoy all kinds of sports, including both Pro and College. Some of the stories I will be writing about on my blog will be more feature style stories like historical events and kind of give my own personal opinion on these things.

  Another one to expect to see is music. Music has been such a major factor in my life. And at times I dare say it has saved my life on more than one occasion. I enjoy all kinds of music, but my go to choice is rock and metal. Ever since my father introduced me to amazing bands like ACDC, Metallica, Def Leppard and Black Sabbath, I’ve been enjoying it ever since. As I grew up I got to listen to some more incredible bands like Slipknot, Godsmack, Stryper, Demon Hunter, War of Ages and so on.

My third topic that you will see from time to time is gaming/anime. As time moves along, you guys will probably figure out that I am a major dork lol. In my opinion anime is a very underrated form of literature. Animes such as Dragonball Z, Mobile Suit Gundam and Hellsing among many others tell amazing stories. Video games, table top games, board games to me is special because of the creativity, imagination, but more importantly they bring people together and create something special out of it.

My final one is I plan to write some short stories and poems for my blog. One of my goals in life is to be able to publish a book someday. I enjoy a lot of different styles of genres and writers like Edgar Allan Poe to like Magic School Bus and Animorphs when I was kid. My stories generally a mixture between supernatural, horror and even romance. And also I would love to write about personal experience that I hope people will enjoy but also to relate with others as well because we are all just trying to get through this life together.

With all that being said. I really do hope that you guys enjoy my blog. But more importantly, I hope and pray that you guys are all out there enjoying life. Be safe and God bless.


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